Date: Sat, 15 Mar 2003
20:28:16 -0500
To: (Recipient list
From: Richard Wang
Subject: MIT-IQ Certification
Program, IQM-I, August 11-15, 2003
Dear Colleagues and Friends of
At MIT Information Quality Program, we are planning to
offer Information Quality Management I: Principles and Foundations certificate
program again from August 11-15, 2003 with a maximum of 20 participants. A
favor: If you plan to send your folks for IQM-I in August, please visit
ASAP. (IQM-I, May 19-23 offering is fully booked).
Concurrently, we are discussing what should constitute Intermediate Information Quality Management (IQM-II). Please
let me know if you would be interested in help shaping IQM-II. Two
pre-requisites that we envision for IQM-II are: (1) passed IQM-I exams and (2)
completed an IQ Project, documented, evaluated, and posted at the MIT-IQ
Program web site for public access (name and organization can be disguised as a
Major International Bank or European Hospital). Your experience, knowledge, and
insight will help us to advance the field as a scientific discipline.
A gentle reminder that the
ICIQ paper submission deadline is June 25, 2003. See for details. As in ICIQ-02, the
conference organizers will try to contact journals for possible fast track or
special issue for papers accepted for publication at ICIQ-03 (stay tuned).
Richard Wang, Ph.D.
Director, MIT Information
Quality (MIT-IQ) Program
CTPID, Massachusetts Institute
of Technology
Tel: 617-739-7234;
Fax: 617-739-9367;