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Bad PK file %s: %s%s.%dpk%s.%dpk%s.%dpkFont %s at %d not found; scaling %d instead.%s.%dpkFont %s at %d not found; scaling %d instead.%s.%dpkFont %s%s not found, characters will be left blank.Loading pk font %s at %.1fpt Design size mismatch in font %sChecksum mismatch in font %sAllocating new raster memory (%d req, %d left) Font %s at %d dpi has most likely been made improperly;%d characters have 0 escapements but non-trivial TFM widths. %s %s: %s Alloc %d %03dOptions: -d%d%d%d%d%d%d-%d%d%d.%d%d.%dlandscape%d%d%d%d%dconfig.input file %s output file %s swmem %d tfm path %s pk path %s fig path %s vf path %s config path %s header path %s ! DVI file <%s> can't be opened. (-> %s) . Total memory allocated: %d %s.tfmCan't open font metric file %s%sChecksum mismatch in %sDesign size mismatch in %s%f/'' -> %s bop at %d bop at %d Have a section: %d pages at %d fontmem %d Scanning page %d ! DVI file contains unexpected command (%d)Font number %d not found Page %d may be too complex to print Skipping page %d ! DVI file contains unexpected command (%d)Couldn't find figure file %s; continuing! Couldn't find header file %sFailure to execute %s; continuing <%s>%%%%BeginDocument: %s %%%%BeginFont: %s %%%%BeginProcSet: %s %%%%EndDocument %%%%EndFont %%%%EndProcSet %.2f%d %%!PS (but not EPSF; comments have been disabled) %%!PS (but not EPSF because of memory limits) %%!PS-Adobe-2.0 EPSF-2.0 %%!PS-Adobe-2.0 %%%%Creator: %s%%%%Title: %s %%%%CreationDate: %s%%%%Pages: %d%s %%%%PageOrder: %sscend %%%%Orientation: Landscape %%%%BoundingBox: 0 0 %d %d %%%%BoundingBox: %s %%%%BoundingBox: 0 0 %d %d %%%%EndComments %%DVIPSCommandLine: %%+ %%DVIPSParameters: dpi=%dx%d, compressed, comments removed%%DVIPSSource: %s /SafetyEnclosure save def %%%%EndProlog %%%%BeginSetup %%%%Feature: *Resolution %ddpi %%%%Feature: *Resolution %dx%ddpi TeXDict begin end %%%%Feature: *ManualFeed True %%%%EndSetup %%DVIPSBeginSection %%%%EndSetup userdict /end-hook known{end-hook}if SafetyEnclosure restore %%%%EOF %%DVIPSSectionPage: %d %%%%Page: %d %d %%%%+%%%%DocumentFonts: %s (%.99s) [%d .] %%%%Trailer %%DVIPSSectionTrailer %%DVIPSEndSection Using PK font %s for <%s>. Font %s <%s> is resident. %s .dvipsrcconfig.%d%d%s%s%s%s%s%s%d%d%d%d%d%s%d search: Trying to open %s %d%dpk%pksearch: Trying to open %s <%s(%s)> failed succeeded %ld %ld %ld %ld %ld %ld %ld %f %f flushpath(1): hh=%d, vv=%d, x=%d, y=%d, xPS=%d, yPS=%d flushpath(%d): hh=%d, vv=%d, x=%d, y=%d, xPS=%d, yPS=%d first point: x=%d, y=%d; last point: x=%d, y=%d %f %f %f %1.3f setgray! Couldn't find header file %s%%VMusage:%d %ldAdding header file "%s" %ld Sending header file "%s" %d%d%d+%d/%dmagstep\(%d.%d\)magstep\(-%d.%d\) - %s Appending font creation commands to missfont.log %s PK %ld bytes, unpacked %ld, compressed %ld ! Bad VF file %s: %s%s.vfLoading virtual font %s at %.1fpt Checksum mismatch in font %sDesign size mismatch in font %sAllocating new raster memory (%d req, %ld left) 0123456789ABCDEFabcdef%s %s %s %*Font:%%VMusage:()<>[]{}%//%sPPrescanning page %d ! DVI file contains unexpected command (%d)TeXcolor BlackYou've mistakenly made a global color change to %s within nested colors on page %d. Will try to recover. WhiteBlackChecksum mismatch in %s%d %d %d %d!Too many em: special points!em: point %d not definedlinewidth%f%2s%.1f setlinewidthem special: Linewidth set to %.1f dots Unknown em: special widthmovetoem special: moveto %d,%d linetoem special: lineto %d,%d pointem special: Point %d is %d,%d linehvphvp%f%2sem special: Line from point %d to point %d em special: Linewidth temporarily set to %.1f dots currentlinewidth%.1f setlinewidthsetlinewidthmessageem message: %s graph%f%2s%f%2sem:graph: no file given Unknown em: command (%s) in \special will be ignoredem:graph: Unable to Decode this PCX file <%s em:graph: %s width %d pixels scaled to %.1f pixels em:graph: %s height %d pixels scaled to %.1f pixels %%%%EndDocument >em:graph: Unable to Read Valid PCX Headerem:graph: Unable to Read Valid MSP Header DanMLinSem:graph: Unknown MSP File Typeem:graph: RLE4 absolute is not byte aligned em:graph: Unable to Read Valid BMP Header em:graph: Unable to Read Valid BMP InfoBMem:graph: Unknown BMP File Typeem:graph: Can't do BMP RLE4 with %d bits per pixelem:graph: Can't do BMP RLE8 with %d bits per pixel em:graph: Unknown BMP compression DanMLinSBMem:graph: %s: File not found-PUnknown option %%%c in pk path acos: DOMAIN error asin: DOMAIN error atan2: DOMAIN error y0: DOMAIN error y0: DOMAIN error y1: DOMAIN error y1: DOMAIN error yn: DOMAIN error yn: DOMAIN error lgamma: SING error log: SING error log: DOMAIN error log10: SING error log10: DOMAIN error pow(0,0): DOMAIN error pow(0,neg): DOMAIN error neg**non-integral: DOMAIN error sqrt: DOMAIN error fmod: DOMAIN error remainder: DOMAIN error acosh: DOMAIN error atanh: DOMAIN error atanh: SING error : TLOSS error : TLOSS error : TLOSS error : TLOSS error : TLOSS error : TLOSS error gamma: SING error 00<0H0T0`0l0x00000000000000 0,080D0P0\0h0t0000000000000~0{0x(0u40r@0oL0lX0id0fp0c|0`333333333444 44444 44XX7778848L8dThis is dvips 5.526 Copyright 1986, 1994 Radical Eye Software 8h889 9d99: :L::; ;L;;;<@<<= =H==abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789XfKRDHDPDTDhH??@(#)$Header: /usr/local/src/TeX/Dvips-5.0.2/RCS/drawPS.c,v 1.1 90/03/10 20:32:48 grunwald Exp $ (UCLA)?N`s d HEQRB=R@RR?RBR@"\RA33RB=R@RRJ=RTTT@(#)cos.S 1.8 92/01/13 SMI@(#)fabs.S 1.14 92/01/13 SMI@(#)floor.S 1.8 92/01/13 SMIC00??@(#)sin.S 1.9 92/01/13 SMI@(#)__cos.S 1.9 92/01/13 SMI?UUUQ(?b̝?UUUO[5VkU%i>9)9@c(?UQ_z @(#)__sin.S 1.9 92/01/13 SMI?UUUQ(?b̝UUUUT?*uK>㦗'c(?UQ_z @(#)_TBL_cos.c 1.4 91/05/22 SMI@(#)_TBL_sin.c 1.5 91/05/22 SMI@(#)sqrt.S 1.19 92/01/13 SMI<`CP>@????.MgkzfJ 5RI\n4~_E~=fkh>yMEaɉm{T*5,Nn.R3JQQ Y$@(#)__rem_pio2.S 1.9 92/01/13 SMI?Ap?_0mȃ?!TD-?!TD-?!T@=дabc1=д`=дa`;.ps;.9{% I@(#)_SVID_error.c 1.35 92/03/25 SMI@(#)matherr.c 1.6 92/03/09 SMI@(#)_TBL_ipio2.c 1.4 91/05/22 SMI@(#)__rem_pio2m.c 1.9 92/03/23 SMI?!@>tD-p@(#)ieee_func.S 1.23 92/01/13 SMICP<@(#)rndint.S 1.10 92/01/13 SMIC00??AAAA @(#)rint.S 1.15 92/01/13 SMIC00??more errors in special, being ignored . . .TeXDictbegin@defspecial @fedspecialendpsfileifffiletekfilehsizevsizehoffsetvoffsethscalevscaleanglellxllyurxuryrwirhiclip! No font selected! out of string space in predospecialboth landscape and papersize specified: ignoring landscapeboth landscape and papersize specified: ignoring landscaperiff2pstek2ps! out of string space in dospecial@beginspecial@setspecial @endspecial@beginspecialpsfile@setspecialNo \special psfile was given; figure will be blank@endspecialra! couldn't reopen PostScript file! unexpected eof on DVI file! unexpected end of virtual packet! out of string spaceunexpected eofSuch scaling will generate extremely poor output.rrrrexpected prewrong id bytecharacter code out of rangepacket length too small! unexpected commandI'm stumbling along as best I can, but I recommend regeneratingthese fonts; the problem is probably that they are non-CM fonts(such as circle10 or line10) created with a MF with the CM basepreloaded ..:/mit/tex/lib/tex/fonts/tfm.:/mit/tex/lib/tex/fonts/pk.:/mit/tex/lib/tex/fonts/vf.:..:/mit/tex/lib/tex/macros.:/mit/tex/lib/tex/ps.:/mit/tex/lib/tex/ps. Usage: dvips [options] filename[.dvi]a* Conserve memory, not time y # Multiply by dvi magnificationb # Page copies, for posters e.g. A Print only odd (TeX) pagesc # Uncollated copies B Print only even (TeX) pagesd # Debugging C # Collated copiese # Maxdrift value D # Resolutionf* Run as filter E* Try to create EPSFh f Add header file F* Send control-D at endi* Separate file per section K* Pull comments from inclusionsk* Print crop marks M* Don't make fontsl # Last page N* No structured commentsm* Manual feed O c Set/change paper offsetn # Maximum number of pages P s Load config.$so f Output file R Run securelyp # First page S # Max section size in pagesq* Run quietly T c Specify desired page sizer* Reverse order of pages U* Disable string param tricks* Enclose output in save/restore V* Send downloadable PS fonts as PKt s Paper format X # Horizontal resolutionx # Override dvi magnification Y # Vertical resolution Z* Compress bitmap fonts # = number f = file s = string * = suffix, `0' to turn off c = comma-separated dimension pair (e.g., 3.2in,-32.1cm)! no memory0123456789ABCDEFabcdef!lpr %P! out of string space! need an output file name to specify separate filesconfig.ps! Bad number of page copies option (-b).! can only print one to a thousand page copies! Bad number of copies option (-c).! Bad debug option (-d).! Bad maxdrift option (-e).! Bad section size arg (-S).! Bad number of pages option (-n).both landscape and papersize specified; ignoring landscape! Bad page list specifier (-pp).! Bad first page option (-p).! Bad last page option (-p).both landscape and papersize specified; ignoring landscape! Bad magnification parameter (-x).! Bad number of collated copies option (-C).! Bad dpi parameter (-D).! Bad dpi parameter (-D).! Bad dpi parameter (-D).! Bad option, not one of acdefhiklmnopqrstxCDEFKMNOPSTUXYZ?! Two input file names specified.PRINTERrrtexc.protex.pro! DVI file can't be opened.! DVI file must not be a pipe.finclude.protexps.prospecial.procolor.proCan't make it EPSF, sorryrI will use cmr10.tfm instead, so expect bad output.cmr10.tfmr! I can't find cmr10.tfm; please reinstall me with proper pathsIDrfdfsdfE! Bad DVI file: first byte not preamble! Bad DVI file: id byte not 2! End of document before first specified page! Bad DVI file: expected bop! Too little VM in printer! Bad DVI file: expected bop! Bad DVI file: no font selected! virtual recursion stack overflow! a non-existent virtual character is being used; check vf/tfm files! no font selectedletter0123456789ABCDEF %%BeginBinary:rrrrpremature EOF in MS-DOS font filepremature EOF in MS-DOS font filesaw type other than 1, 2, or 3 in MS-DOS font filesaw non-MSDOS header in MSDOS font file! bad BeginBinary line in epsf! premature end of file in binary section! expected to see %%EndBinary at end of data! premature end of file in binary sectionwarning: -k crop marks wanted, but no paper size specified; using defaultcrop.prono match for papersizeno match for special paper size found; using defaultwarning: -t selected paper may be too smallnote: -t selected paper may be too largewarning: -t selected paper may be too smallnote: -t selected paper may be too largew! couldn't open output pipew! couldn't open PostScript fileWe tried, but couldn't make it EPSF. -1DeA "%s" %sTeXDictbegin@manualfeed@landscape@copiesProblems with file writing; probably disk full.bopeopTeXDictbegin@startbosendeosend! Out of stack space! virtual recursion stack overflow! synch! Out of stack space! More pops than pushesError in config file:psfonts.map~rcan't have @+ in config file not immediately following a non-@ linelast resort sizes (R) must be sorted! only numbers expected on `R' line in config!rTEXFONTSVFFONTSTEXPICTSTEXINPUTSDVIPSHEADERSTEXPKSTEXPKSTEXPACKEDTEXPACKEDPKFONTSPKFONTSTEXCONFIGHOME.no such user! overran allocated storage in search()HOME.no such userimagennexthilinololinohilinosuper! MF mode not set, but used in pk path! bad format character in pk path! overran allocated storage in search()! recursive repeat count in pk file! error while unpacking; more bits than requiredIllegal .ps command formatsetlinewidth! Too many points! Malformed path expressionIllegal arc specificationnparcellipsefil0 setgraynparcellipsealistPath less than 2 points - ignorednp[]setdashalist[] 0 setdashPath less than 2 points - ignorednpaliclosepathliclosepathAttempt to fill a non-closed pathfil0 setgraynpaliclosepathlistIllegal format for dotted/dashed lineLength of dash/dot cannot be negative[] 0 setdashIllegal format for dotted/dashed spline[]setdashSpline less than two points - ignorednparlrclist[] 0 setdashInvalid character in .tx patternIllegal format for shade levelInvalid shade level1 setgray0 setgrayrMakeTeXPK %n %d %b %mMAKETEXPK >/dev/null 1>&2missfont.loga! bug! internal inconsistency in repack! no raster?unexpected eofr! out of string spaceexpected prewrong id byteunexpected command in preamblenegative length packetpacket too longcharacter code out of rangemissing postamble! Too many fonts in included psfilesBad syntax in included font usage tableNo scaled size for included fontNo design size for included fontMissing data in VMusage commentrcvnfstore! Bad DVI file: no font selected! virtual recursion stack overflow! a non-existent virtual char is being used; check vf/tfm files! no font selected! End of document before first specified page! Bad DVI file: expected bop! Bad DVI file: expected bop! arithmetic overflow in parameter! arithmetic overflow in parameterexpected number! returning 10cmptpcmmspbpddccinnumber too large; 1000 usedexpected units! assuming inches. color name too long; ignored! out of color stack spacegsaveclippath fill grestore! synch! Out of stack space! More pops than pushesptpcinbpcmmmddccspnpalistnpalist/picstr string def[]{currentfile picstr readhexstring pop} image@beginspecial @setspecial%%BeginDocument: em:graphscale@endspecial/picstrstring def[]{currentfile picstr readhexstring pop} image/picstrstring def[]{currentfile picstr readhexstring pop} image/picstrstring def[]{currentfile picstr readhexstring pop} image.pcx.msp.bmprDVIDRVGRAPHrrDVIDRVGRAPHracosasinatan2hypotcoshexpexpy0y0y1y1ynynlgammalgammalogloglog10log10powpowpowpowpowsinhsqrtfmodremainderacoshatanhatanhscalbscalbj0y0j1y1jnyngammagammaU ? X-D  &X=8= -D==8??X h 0 & )x 3XUUVh!-)x 8)x F@tTVh[Vhd sBh,x* Xg * Xg * Xg  Xh* *` %+  0Xh9 HR+ ]Xl2bXlk zX+ + + ? 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; V=2.0scalewidthdosection.c/afs/athena.mit.edu/astaff/project/newtex/.build.sun4m_51/dvips/dosection.cXa ; g ; O ; V=2.0dosectionppagesInPageListInstallPLParsePagesdopage.c/afs/athena.mit.edu/astaff/project/newtex/.build.sun4m_51/dvips/dopage.cXa ; g ; O ; V=2.0dopagestackresident.c/afs/athena.mit.edu/astaff/project/newtex/.build.sun4m_51/dvips/resident.cXa ; g ; O ; V=2.0hashrevpslistscleanreslookupadd_entryresidentfontbad_configconfigstringgetdefaultsgetpsinfocheckenvps_fonts_usedreshashsearch.c/afs/athena.mit.edu/astaff/project/newtex/.build.sun4m_51/dvips/search.cXa ; g ; O ; V=2.0searchpksearchmy_real_fopenrealnameoffileunpack.c/afs/athena.mit.edu/astaff/project/newtex/.build.sun4m_51/dvips/unpack.cXa ; g ; O ; V=2.0getnybgetbitpkpackednumflipunpackdrawPS.c/afs/athena.mit.edu/astaff/project/newtex/.build.sun4m_51/dvips/drawPS.cXa ; g ; O ; 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V=2.0empointsemusedemtableemclearemptputemptgetemunitsemspecialreadintegerreadhalfwordPCXreadheadPCXreadlinePCXgetpalettePCXshowpictureimageheadimagetailpcxgraphMSP_2_psMSP_1_psmspgraphrgbreadrle_dxrle_dyrle4readrle8readbmpgraphextarremgraphemyemxathena.c/afs/athena.mit.edu/astaff/project/newtex/.build.sun4m_51/dvips/athena.cXa ; g ; O ; V=2.0pipe_str_TBL_cos.c/export/set/pergolesi/bootstrap/2.0.1/lang/libm/sparc/../src/C/_TBL_cos.cXa ; V=2.0_TBL_sin.c/export/set/pergolesi/bootstrap/2.0.1/lang/libm/sparc/../src/C/_TBL_sin.cXa ; V=2.0_SVID_error.c/export/set/pergolesi/bootstrap/2.0.1/lang/libm/sparc/../src/C/_SVID_error.cXa ; V=2.0matherr.c/export/set/pergolesi/bootstrap/2.0.1/lang/libm/sparc/../src/C/matherr.cXa ; V=2.0_TBL_ipio2.c/export/set/pergolesi/bootstrap/2.0.1/lang/libm/sparc/../src/C/_TBL_ipio2.cXa ; V=2.0__rem_pio2m.c/export/set/pergolesi/bootstrap/2.0.1/lang/libm/sparc/../src/C/__rem_pio2m.cXa ; V=2.0/afs/athena.mit.edu/astaff/project/newtex/.build.sun4m_51/dvips/mit/sunsoft/sun4bin/../sunwspro/bin/../SC2.0.1/values-xc.odospecial.odviinput.ofontdef.oloadfont.odvips.otfmload.odownload.oprescan.oscanpage.oskippage.ooutput.oscalewidth.odosection.odopage.oresident.osearch.ounpack.odrawPS.oheader.omakefont.orepack.ovirtualfont.odpicheck.ofinclude.opprescan.opapersiz.oflib.ocolor.obbox.oemspecial.oathena.o/mit/sunsoft/sun4bin/../sunwspro/bin/../SC2.0.1/libm.a(_TBL_cos.o)/mit/sunsoft/sun4bin/../sunwspro/bin/../SC2.0.1/libm.a(_TBL_sin.o)/mit/sunsoft/sun4bin/../sunwspro/bin/../SC2.0.1/libm.a(_SVID_error.o)/mit/sunsoft/sun4bin/../sunwspro/bin/../SC2.0.1/libm.a(matherr.o)/mit/sunsoft/sun4bin/../sunwspro/bin/../SC2.0.1/libm.a(_TBL_ipio2.o)/mit/sunsoft/sun4bin/../sunwspro/bin/../SC2.0.1/libm.a(__rem_pio2m.o).interp.hash.dynsym.dynstr.rela.bss.rela.plt.init.text.fini.rodata.rodata1.plt.data.data1.got.dynamic.bss.symtab.strtab.stab.indexstr.shstrtab.comment.stab.index@(#)crti.s 1.2 89/12/08 SMI@(#)crt1.s 1.2 89/12/08 SMI@(#)asm_linkage.h 1.10 90/01/08 SMI@(#)stack.h 1.1 91/07/24 SMI@(#)trap.h 1.2 90/09/13 SMIas: C Development Set (CDS) SPARCompilers 2.0.1 03 Sep 1992 @(#)asm_linkage.h 1.10 90/01/08 SMI@(#)stack.h 1.1 91/07/24 SMI@(#)trap.h 1.2 90/09/13 SMI@(#)__fstd.S 1.2 92/05/28 SMIas: C Development Set (CDS) SPARCompilers 2.0.1 20 Aug 1992 @(#)values-Xc.c 6.1@(#)libc-port:gen/values-Xc.c 1.3@(#)synonyms.h 1.5 89/12/18 SMI@(#)math.h 1.75 92/06/23@(#)floatingpoint.h 1.12 92/04/17 SunPro@(#)stdio.h 1.2 90/03/29 SMI@(#)ieeefp.h 1.6 92/04/15 SunPro@(#)sunmath.h 1.5 92/04/29acomp: (CDS) SPARCompilers 2.0.1 20 Aug 1992as: C Development Set (CDS) SPARCompilers 2.0.1 03 Sep 1992 @(#)stdio.h 1.13 92/07/14 SMI@(#)string.h 1.9 92/07/14 SMI@(#)ctype.h 1.10 92/07/14 SMIacomp: (CDS) SPARCompilers 2.0.1 03 Sep 1992as: C Development Set (CDS) SPARCompilers 2.0.1 03 Sep 1992 @(#)stdio.h 1.13 92/07/14 SMI@(#)string.h 1.9 92/07/14 SMIacomp: (CDS) SPARCompilers 2.0.1 03 Sep 1992as: C Development Set (CDS) SPARCompilers 2.0.1 03 Sep 1992 @(#)stdio.h 1.13 92/07/14 SMI@(#)string.h 1.9 92/07/14 SMIacomp: (CDS) SPARCompilers 2.0.1 03 Sep 1992as: C Development Set (CDS) SPARCompilers 2.0.1 03 Sep 1992 @(#)stdio.h 1.13 92/07/14 SMI@(#)string.h 1.9 92/07/14 SMIacomp: (CDS) SPARCompilers 2.0.1 03 Sep 1992as: C Development Set (CDS) SPARCompilers 2.0.1 03 Sep 1992 @(#)stdio.h 1.13 92/07/14 SMI@(#)string.h 1.9 92/07/14 SMIacomp: (CDS) SPARCompilers 2.0.1 03 Sep 1992as: C Development Set (CDS) SPARCompilers 2.0.1 03 Sep 1992 @(#)stdio.h 1.13 92/07/14 SMI@(#)string.h 1.9 92/07/14 SMIacomp: (CDS) SPARCompilers 2.0.1 03 Sep 1992as: C Development Set (CDS) SPARCompilers 2.0.1 03 Sep 1992 @(#)stdio.h 1.13 92/07/14 SMI@(#)string.h 1.9 92/07/14 SMIacomp: (CDS) SPARCompilers 2.0.1 03 Sep 1992as: C Development Set (CDS) SPARCompilers 2.0.1 03 Sep 1992 @(#)stdio.h 1.13 92/07/14 SMI@(#)string.h 1.9 92/07/14 SMIacomp: (CDS) SPARCompilers 2.0.1 03 Sep 1992as: C Development Set (CDS) SPARCompilers 2.0.1 03 Sep 1992 @(#)stdio.h 1.13 92/07/14 SMI@(#)string.h 1.9 92/07/14 SMIacomp: (CDS) SPARCompilers 2.0.1 03 Sep 1992as: C Development Set (CDS) SPARCompilers 2.0.1 03 Sep 1992 @(#)stdio.h 1.13 92/07/14 SMI@(#)string.h 1.9 92/07/14 SMIacomp: (CDS) SPARCompilers 2.0.1 03 Sep 1992as: C Development Set (CDS) SPARCompilers 2.0.1 03 Sep 1992 @(#)types.h 1.19 92/07/14 SMI@(#)machtypes.h 1.7 92/07/14 SMI@(#)select.h 1.10 92/07/14 SMI@(#)time.h 2.26 92/07/28 SMI@(#)time.h 1.8 92/07/14 SMI@(#)stdio.h 1.13 92/07/14 SMI@(#)string.h 1.9 92/07/14 SMI@(#)ctype.h 1.10 92/07/14 SMIacomp: (CDS) SPARCompilers 2.0.1 03 Sep 1992as: C Development Set (CDS) SPARCompilers 2.0.1 03 Sep 1992 @(#)stdio.h 1.13 92/07/14 SMI@(#)string.h 1.9 92/07/14 SMIacomp: (CDS) SPARCompilers 2.0.1 03 Sep 1992as: C Development Set (CDS) SPARCompilers 2.0.1 03 Sep 1992 acomp: (CDS) SPARCompilers 2.0.1 03 Sep 1992@(#)stdio.h 1.13 92/07/14 SMI@(#)string.h 1.9 92/07/14 SMI@(#)ctype.h 1.10 92/07/14 SMIas: C Development Set (CDS) SPARCompilers 2.0.1 03 Sep 1992 @(#)stdio.h 1.13 92/07/14 SMI@(#)string.h 1.9 92/07/14 SMI@(#)math.h 1.75 92/06/23acomp: (CDS) SPARCompilers 2.0.1 03 Sep 1992as: C Development Set (CDS) SPARCompilers 2.0.1 03 Sep 1992 @(#)stdio.h 1.13 92/07/14 SMI@(#)string.h 1.9 92/07/14 SMIacomp: (CDS) SPARCompilers 2.0.1 03 Sep 1992as: C Development Set (CDS) SPARCompilers 2.0.1 03 Sep 1992 @(#)stdio.h 1.13 92/07/14 SMI@(#)string.h 1.9 92/07/14 SMI@(#)ctype.h 1.10 92/07/14 SMI@(#)pwd.h 1.8 92/07/14 SMI@(#)types.h 1.19 92/07/14 SMI@(#)machtypes.h 1.7 92/07/14 SMI@(#)select.h 1.10 92/07/14 SMI@(#)time.h 2.26 92/07/28 SMI@(#)time.h 1.8 92/07/14 SMIacomp: (CDS) SPARCompilers 2.0.1 03 Sep 1992as: C Development Set (CDS) SPARCompilers 2.0.1 03 Sep 1992 @(#)stdio.h 1.13 92/07/14 SMI@(#)string.h 1.9 92/07/14 SMIacomp: (CDS) SPARCompilers 2.0.1 03 Sep 1992as: C Development Set (CDS) SPARCompilers 2.0.1 03 Sep 1992 @(#)stdio.h 1.13 92/07/14 SMI@(#)string.h 1.9 92/07/14 SMI@(#)math.h 1.75 92/06/23acomp: (CDS) SPARCompilers 2.0.1 03 Sep 1992as: C Development Set (CDS) SPARCompilers 2.0.1 03 Sep 1992 @(#)stdio.h 1.13 92/07/14 SMI@(#)string.h 1.9 92/07/14 SMIacomp: (CDS) SPARCompilers 2.0.1 03 Sep 1992as: C Development Set (CDS) SPARCompilers 2.0.1 03 Sep 1992 @(#)stdio.h 1.13 92/07/14 SMI@(#)string.h 1.9 92/07/14 SMIacomp: (CDS) SPARCompilers 2.0.1 03 Sep 1992as: C Development Set (CDS) SPARCompilers 2.0.1 03 Sep 1992 @(#)stdio.h 1.13 92/07/14 SMI@(#)string.h 1.9 92/07/14 SMIacomp: (CDS) SPARCompilers 2.0.1 03 Sep 1992as: C Development Set (CDS) SPARCompilers 2.0.1 03 Sep 1992 @(#)stdio.h 1.13 92/07/14 SMI@(#)string.h 1.9 92/07/14 SMIacomp: (CDS) SPARCompilers 2.0.1 03 Sep 1992as: C Development Set (CDS) SPARCompilers 2.0.1 03 Sep 1992 acomp: (CDS) SPARCompilers 2.0.1 03 Sep 1992@(#)stdio.h 1.13 92/07/14 SMI@(#)string.h 1.9 92/07/14 SMIas: C Development Set (CDS) SPARCompilers 2.0.1 03 Sep 1992 @(#)stdio.h 1.13 92/07/14 SMI@(#)string.h 1.9 92/07/14 SMI@(#)ctype.h 1.10 92/07/14 SMIacomp: (CDS) SPARCompilers 2.0.1 03 Sep 1992as: C Development Set (CDS) SPARCompilers 2.0.1 03 Sep 1992 @(#)stdio.h 1.13 92/07/14 SMI@(#)string.h 1.9 92/07/14 SMIacomp: (CDS) SPARCompilers 2.0.1 03 Sep 1992as: C Development Set (CDS) SPARCompilers 2.0.1 03 Sep 1992 @(#)stdio.h 1.13 92/07/14 SMI@(#)string.h 1.9 92/07/14 SMIacomp: (CDS) SPARCompilers 2.0.1 03 Sep 1992as: C Development Set (CDS) SPARCompilers 2.0.1 03 Sep 1992 acomp: (CDS) SPARCompilers 2.0.1 03 Sep 1992as: C Development Set (CDS) SPARCompilers 2.0.1 03 Sep 1992 @(#)stdio.h 1.13 92/07/14 SMI@(#)string.h 1.9 92/07/14 SMIacomp: (CDS) SPARCompilers 2.0.1 03 Sep 1992as: C Development Set (CDS) SPARCompilers 2.0.1 03 Sep 1992 @(#)stdio.h 1.13 92/07/14 SMI@(#)string.h 1.9 92/07/14 SMIacomp: (CDS) SPARCompilers 2.0.1 03 Sep 1992as: C Development Set (CDS) SPARCompilers 2.0.1 03 Sep 1992 @(#)stdio.h 1.13 92/07/14 SMI@(#)string.h 1.9 92/07/14 SMI@(#)ctype.h 1.10 92/07/14 SMIacomp: (CDS) SPARCompilers 2.0.1 03 Sep 1992as: C Development Set (CDS) SPARCompilers 2.0.1 03 Sep 1992 @(#)stdio.h 1.13 92/07/14 SMI@(#)string.h 1.9 92/07/14 SMIacomp: (CDS) SPARCompilers 2.0.1 03 Sep 1992as: C Development Set (CDS) SPARCompilers 2.0.1 03 Sep 1992 @(#)asm_linkage.h 1.10 90/01/08 SMI@(#)stack.h 1.1 91/07/24 SMI@(#)trap.h 1.2 90/09/13 SMIas: C Development Set (CDS) SPARCompilers 2.0.1 03 Sep 1992 @(#)asm_linkage.h 1.10 90/01/08 SMI@(#)stack.h 1.1 91/07/24 SMI@(#)trap.h 1.2 90/09/13 SMIas: C Development Set (CDS) SPARCompilers 2.0.1 03 Sep 1992 @(#)asm_linkage.h 1.10 90/01/08 SMI@(#)stack.h 1.1 91/07/24 SMI@(#)trap.h 1.2 90/09/13 SMIas: C Development Set (CDS) SPARCompilers 2.0.1 03 Sep 1992 @(#)asm_linkage.h 1.10 90/01/08 SMI@(#)stack.h 1.1 91/07/24 SMI@(#)trap.h 1.2 90/09/13 SMIas: C Development Set (CDS) SPARCompilers 2.0.1 03 Sep 1992 @(#)asm_linkage.h 1.10 90/01/08 SMI@(#)stack.h 1.1 91/07/24 SMI@(#)trap.h 1.2 90/09/13 SMIas: C Development Set (CDS) SPARCompilers 2.0.1 03 Sep 1992 @(#)asm_linkage.h 1.10 90/01/08 SMI@(#)stack.h 1.1 91/07/24 SMI@(#)trap.h 1.2 90/09/13 SMIas: C Development Set (CDS) SPARCompilers 2.0.1 03 Sep 1992 acomp: (CDS) SPARCompilers 2.0.1 03 Sep 1992as: C Development Set (CDS) SPARCompilers 2.0.1 03 Sep 1992 acomp: (CDS) SPARCompilers 2.0.1 03 Sep 1992as: C Development Set (CDS) SPARCompilers 2.0.1 03 Sep 1992 @(#)asm_linkage.h 1.10 90/01/08 SMI@(#)stack.h 1.1 91/07/24 SMI@(#)trap.h 1.2 90/09/13 SMIas: C Development Set (CDS) SPARCompilers 2.0.1 03 Sep 1992 @(#)asm_linkage.h 1.10 90/01/08 SMI@(#)stack.h 1.1 91/07/24 SMI@(#)trap.h 1.2 90/09/13 SMIas: C Development Set (CDS) SPARCompilers 2.0.1 03 Sep 1992 @(#)ieeefp.h 1.6 92/04/15 SunPro@(#)stdio.h 1.2 90/03/29 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.2 90/03/28 SMI@(#)errno.h 1.6 89/11/15 SMI@(#)math.h 1.75 92/06/23@(#)floatingpoint.h 1.13 92/08/25 SunPro@(#)sunmath.h 1.5 92/04/29@(#)unistd.h 1.2 90/03/30 SMI@(#)types.h 1.5 90/01/05 SMI@(#)machtypes.h 1.3 90/01/20 SMI@(#)select.h 1.4 89/11/09 SMI@(#)time.h 1.2 90/05/11 SMI@(#)time.h 1.2 90/03/30 SMI@(#)unistd.h 1.3 91/12/10 SMIacomp: (CDS) SPARCompilers 2.0.1 03 Sep 1992as: C Development Set (CDS) SPARCompilers 2.0.1 03 Sep 1992 @(#)math.h 1.75 92/06/23@(#)floatingpoint.h 1.13 92/08/25 SunPro@(#)stdio.h 1.2 90/03/29 SMI@(#)ieeefp.h 1.6 92/04/15 SunPro@(#)sunmath.h 1.5 92/04/29acomp: (CDS) SPARCompilers 2.0.1 03 Sep 1992as: C Development Set (CDS) SPARCompilers 2.0.1 03 Sep 1992 acomp: (CDS) SPARCompilers 2.0.1 03 Sep 1992as: C Development Set (CDS) SPARCompilers 2.0.1 03 Sep 1992 @(#)ieeefp.h 1.6 92/04/15 SunPro@(#)math.h 1.75 92/06/23@(#)floatingpoint.h 1.13 92/08/25 SunPro@(#)stdio.h 1.2 90/03/29 SMI@(#)sunmath.h 1.5 92/04/29acomp: (CDS) SPARCompilers 2.0.1 03 Sep 1992as: C Development Set (CDS) SPARCompilers 2.0.1 03 Sep 1992 @(#)asm_linkage.h 1.10 90/01/08 SMI@(#)stack.h 1.1 91/07/24 SMI@(#)trap.h 1.2 90/09/13 SMIas: C Development Set (CDS) SPARCompilers 2.0.1 03 Sep 1992 @(#)asm_linkage.h 1.10 90/01/08 SMI@(#)stack.h 1.1 91/07/24 SMI@(#)trap.h 1.2 90/09/13 SMIas: C Development Set (CDS) SPARCompilers 2.0.1 03 Sep 1992 @(#)asm_linkage.h 1.10 90/01/08 SMI@(#)stack.h 1.1 91/07/24 SMI@(#)trap.h 1.2 90/09/13 SMI@(#)crtn.s 1.2 89/12/08 SMIld: (SGU) SunOS/SVR4 (LK-1.0)g dGd8D8\< dNd88\<-mֿo |$$ $$$$$ $$  dMd8'8Z<-mm$w$$$$$$$$ dLd8j8X<-mk$w$$$ dMdF88Z<-mm$s$z$$ $$$  dJdr88T<-mg v ~    $ + 1 < G$L$R$[$g$t$$$$$*$            % - 6 @ G N V f t                     $ - 7 @ L P T X ^ d i o v }                   $ . ; D M W _ h q {         dLd8P8X<-mk$s${$$$  dMd 88Z<-mm$v$$$ dLdv8;8X<-mk$x$ dMd88Z<-mm$y$$v dMda8;8Z<-mm$"} dKd88V<-m!i$r$~$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$'$/$8$@$I$R$d m |dOdn8\8^<-m6q$ dNd88\<-m9o$y $$$v dKdR8Y8V<-m>i$p  dMd 88Z<-mFm$r$}$$$$$$$$$  dKd 88V<-mQi$p$y$  dKd U8 y8V<-mWi$p$w$$$ dKd 8 8V<-m\i o$z$$$$$$$$$$ dKd 8 8V<-mgi$r$|$$$ ~ dMd ;8 z8Z<-mjm u$ dKd 8 8V<-moi$u$}$$$  dPd 8 i8`<-mws$y$$$$$$ dMdl8 8Z<-m|m$t${$ dMd8 T8Z<-m׀m$v$$$$$$$$$ dMd 88Z<-mׇm${  dMd8 8Z<-m׍m$v$mdId88R<-mבe$ dJd8*8T<-mדg$s$}$$$$$ dId8~8R<-mחe$q${$$# dNdW88\<-mןo x  $$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$%$.$7$? F M$V$_$h o$w { r dKd88V<-mIi$d dCdf88Y<d dCd88Y<jdFd88_<b dBd488W<hdEd88]<dFdj8u8_<  -D-D==0 )=8=8X  3?? 9???XX Ehh M00V&&[)x)x a3X3X"vhUU mUUvVhVhHd{Vh4pUA%KHd