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sorry [word length=].PATGEN capacity exceeded, sorry [word length=].Bad representationBad characterrprocessing dictionary with pat_len = , pat_dot = wwriting pattmp. good, bad, missed % patterns, nodes in count trie, triec_max = rLine too longBad hyphenation valueBad representationBad characterBad edge_of_word patterns read inpattern trie has nodes, trie_max = , outputsSpecify 1<=hyph_start,hyph_finish<= !Largest hyphenation value in patterns should be less than hyph_startSpecify 1<=pat_start<=pat_finish<= !total of patterns at hyph_level w (C version d)u, 0 jP@  n,@( @P(@0<j j j n, oP oTu u,u",oP 7u@j OYoP dumj |oP uj oP uj oP uj  oP u j /9oP DuMj \ioT tu}j oT iduj oT uj uuuuu -$ .u7hXBj OuLS5Wn8]o4dnTl8|5,n50&P8l0@\5458e468jl@nH 6< 6@6D [dh[d!iP 4 9 ?n*F Po<W _ohf lh$qu i e )D Dg JVDpW[_o@_"|_ _$ n\Xe0L#$2i0 A`$@O`dX`hb>r~e<`l#l<'P`p`to(`x9<`y`|`` `iL`)`1u8o@8@`DK+8Wn^nhc^m{PEWxPRT3Wnt]bW@!gTrdpvj |X\`[dTTh$p<tTTn,h(T TTip$Uf UU UV'n,u!4V;VBVGWNW@TnYYcYhnn pwMY QY$3YW3oP 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