Third Annual MIT-Cambridge Quantum Information Workshop (October 2-3, 2003)

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Contact for Further Information: Timothy F. Havel

Workshop Schedule (subject to continuous updates!)

All talks and posters will be in the RLE lecture hall, Grier B (building 34, number 401B)

Everyone gets together for beer and snacks at the Asgard (350 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge)
 9:00 am
M. Christandl, N. Datta*, A. Ekert, A. Landahl
Perfect State Transfer in Quantum Spin Networks
< Coffee | Break > = 10:00 - 11:00 am
 11:00 am
N. Boulant, D. Cory, J. Emerson, S. Furuta*, T. Havel Random Unitary Processes and Incoherent Noise
< Lunch | Break > = 12:00 - whenever
Posters Up for Viewing All Afternoon – Lab Tours to be Arranged Individually
Dinner on the River (Henry Longfellow pickup at 6:00 sharp at the MIT sailing pavilion, Building 51)
9:00 am
L. Levitov, P. Littlewood, J. Keeling
Angular Dependence of Radiation in Exciton Systems
< Coffee | Break > = 10:00 - 11:00 am
11:00 am C. Doran & T. Havel* Lorentz Covariant Formulations of Multi-Qbit Dynamics via Geometric Algebra
< Lunch | Break > = 12:00 - whenever
Posters Up for Viewing All Afternoon – Lab Tours to be Arranged Individually
1:30 pm, Center for Theoretical Physics Seminar Room (building 6, 3rd floor)
Informal Session on Quantum Algorithms (contact: Andrew Landahl)
Everybody Does Exactly What They Want
Suggestion: Come to dinner with most every one else at La Groceria at 7:00 pm (on a buy-your-own basis).


Perfect State Transfer in Quantum Spin Networks

M.Christandl, N. Datta*, A. Ekert, A. Landahl

We propose a class of qubit networks that admit perfect transfer of a quantum state in any fixed period of time. Unlike many other schemes for quantum computation and communication, these networks do not require qubit couplings to be switched on and off. When restricted to N-qubit spin networks of identical qubit couplings we show that $2 log_3 N$ is the maximal perfect communication distance for hypercube geometries. Moreover, if one allows fixed but different couplings between the qubits then perfect state transfer can be achieved over arbitrarily long distances in a linear chain.

Random Unitary Processes and Incoherent Noise

N. Boulant, D. Cory, J. Emerson, S. Furuta*, T. Havel

This talk will briefly report on some recent CMI collaborative work between myself and Nicolas Boulant (MIT). We define, explore and characterize incoherent noise as examples of random unitary processes in certain experimental contexts. With concrete examples from NMR quantum information processing, we demonstrate the problems and ambiguitites for process tomography that can arise from the presence of incoherent noise in the state preparation process. We recongnise the importance of characterizing the noise and suggest a method to extract an incoherence profile which models the underlying inocoherent process. The profile thus obtained can be used to apply control pulses to remove the noise more efficiently.

Angular Dependence of Radiation in Exciton Systems

L. Levitov, L. Littlewood, J. Keeling*

The momentum distribution for excitons in a potential trap is calculated; this can distinguish condensed and non-condensed distributions, while real-space profiles do not.  We consider how phase fluctuations reduce the visibility of the peak in the momentum distribution at finite temperatures.  We also discuss how vortices would appear in the momentum spectrum.

Lorentz Covariant Formulations of Multi-Qbit Dynamics via Geometric Algebra

C. Doran, T. Havel*

Despite its remarkable success in providing a unified description of diverse physical phenomena, quantum mechanics has a reputation for being mysterious. In large part this is due to a lack of geometric interpretations for the states, observables and operations with which it deals. A noteworthy exception to this rule is the interpretation of the state of a two-level quantum system as a unit vector in three-dimensional Euclidean space, which is best known today as the Bloch vector. This allows the two-dimensional complex-valued unit vector normally used to specify the state, or wave vector as it is known, to be interpreted as the Cayley-Klein parameters for a rotation of the Bloch vector from a reference position to that of the state in question.

In this talk we will develop a generalization of this interpretation to multiple two-level quantum systems and their subsystems, using geometric (aka Clifford) algebra as our main tool. More specifically, we will represent both our states and operators in what we call the parity-even subalgebra, which is isomorphic to a tensor product of quaternion algebras. We will use this to introduce what Schrödinger called entanglement, namely the fact that quantum systems cease to have well-defined individual states upon interacting with one another. Entanglement with an unobservable environment, in turn, gives rise to decoherence, or the irreversible decay of quantum states into states that can be interpreted as classical, albeit random, systems that are governed by statistical mechanics. Finally, we will consider how decoherent changes of state, or quantum operations, might also be interpreted within the parity-even subalgebra.