Havel - Lectures, Posters, Etc.
Lectures, Posters, Etc. (Last Ten Years):
- "An inductive approach to geometric reasoning", Automated Deduction in Geometry, Toulouse, France (Sep., `96).
- "Recent developments in molecular distance geometry", German Bioinformatics Conference, Leipzig, Germany (Oct., `96);
- "NMR spectroscopy: An experimentally accessible paradigm for quantum computing" (plenary lecture), 4th Workshop on Physics and Computation, Boston Univ., MA (Nov., '96);
- ibid, MIT Seminar on Physics and Computation (Feb., '97);
- ibid, AMP Weekly Seminar, Harvard-Smithsonian ITAMP (Inst. for Theoretical Atomic and Molecular Physics; Apr., `97);
- ibid, Theory Division, Los Alamos National Labs, NM (May, `97);
- ibid, Workshop on Experimental Realizations of Quantum Logic, Harvard-Smithsonian ITAMP (Aug., `97);
- "Ensemble quantum computing by NMR spectroscopy", 39th Experimental NMR Conference, Asilomar, CA (Mar., `98);
- ibid, Session on Photonic Quantum Computing, Aerosense, Intnl. Society for Optical Engineering (SPIE), Orlando (Apr., `98);
- ibid, Seminar on Quantum Algorithms, Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany (May, `98);
- ibid, Workshop on Quantum Information, Decoherence and Chaos, Heron Island, Australia (Sep., `98);
- "The role of tensegrity in distance geometry", Workshop on Rigidity Theory and Its Applications", Mich. State. Univ., Lansing MI (Jun., `98);
- ibid, Canadian Math. Soc. Winter Meeting, Kingston, Canada (Dec., `99);
- "Biological versus quantum computing", 2nd International Conference on Complex Systems, Nashua NH (New England Complex Systems Inst.; Oct., `98).
- "Quantum simulation by NMR spectroscopy", Workshop on Quantum Information Processing & NMR, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (Feb., `99).
- "Distance geometry: Theory, algorithms and chemical applications", International Conference on Optimization in Chemistry and Molecular Biology, Princeton, NJ (May, `99);
- "A matrix least-squares approach to estimating distance constraints from NOESY spectra", Gordon Research Conference on Computational Aspects of Biomolecular NMR, Barga, Italy (Jun., `99);
- "Ensemble quantum computing by NMR spectroscopy", 15th Waterloo Reviews and Advances in NMR, Univ. of Waterloo, Canada (Jun., `99);
- "Geometric algebra in quantum information processing by NMR spectroscopy" (plenary lecture), 5th International Conference on Clifford Algebras and their Applications, Ixtapa, Mexico (Jun., `99);
- ibid, Workshop on Complexity, Computation and the Physics of Information, Issac Newton Inst. for Mathematical Sciences, Cambridge, U.K. (Jul., `99).
- ibid, Special Session on Quantum Computation, AMS/AMA/SIAM Joint Meetings, Washington, DC (Jan. `00).
- ibid, Mathematics of Quantum Computation, Mathematical Sciences Research Institute, U.C. Berkeley (Mar. `00).
- "Geometric Algebra: A Space-Time Odessey", MIT Independent Activities Period Lectures (Jan. `00).
- "A unified model for the classical geometries with geometric algebra", AMS Eastern Regional Meeting, Univ. of Massachusetts, Lowell (Apr. `00).
- "Qubit logic, algebra and geometry", 4th International Workshop on Automated Deduction in Geometry, ETH Zurich, Switzerland (Sep., `00);
- "Quantum information processing by NMR spectroscopy" and "The Hadamard representation of decoherence" two posters presented at the DARPA Workshop on Quantum Information Science, Baltimore, MD (Oct., `00);
- "Quantum information processing by NMR spectroscopy", talk presented at the Cambridge - MIT Institute Workshop on Quantum Computation and Communications, MIT, MA (Nov., `00);
- "Quantum information science and technology, talk presented at the Advanced Materials Research Institute Symposium, Univ. of New Orleans, LA (Feb., `01);
- "Exploring the quantum/classical interface by NMR", poster presented at the International Conference on Spintronics and Quantum Information Technology, Hawaii (May, `01);
- "What's hot in NMR computing" and "Hadamard products of product operators", two talks presented at the 16th Waterloo Summer School, Univ. of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada (Jun., `01);
- "Hadamard products of product operators" poster presented at the Gordon Research Conference on Magnetic Resonance, William Rogers Univ., Bristol, RI (Jun., `01);
- ibid, talk presented to the Semiconductor Physics Group at the Cavendish Labs, Cambridge Univ., U.K. (Jul., `01);
- "Interaction and entanglement in the multiparticle space-time algebra", talk given at the Workshop on Applied Geometrical Algebras in Science and Engineering, Cambridge, U.K. (Jul., `01);
- "NMR approaches to quantum information processing," talk presented at the Intnl. Soc. for Magn. Reson. Ann. Meeting, Rhodes Greece (Aug., `01).
- ibid, invited lecture at the Univ. of Trondheim, Trondheim, Norway (Aug., `01).
- ibid, talk given at the Intnl. Conf. on Magn. Reson. Microscopy, Nottingham UK (Sep., `01).
- "Large scale quantum computation by NMR," poster presented with D.G. Cory at the DARPA Spintronics Review, Long Beach, CA (Sep. `01).
- "Quantum information science and technology," talk presented at the opening conference of the Workshop on Information Theory and Combinatorics, organized by R. Alswede, Zentrum fuer Interdisziplinaer Forschung (ZIF) der Univ. Bielefeld, FRG (Feb., `02);
- "The real density matrix," poster presented at the Experimental NMR Conference (ENC), Asilomar CA (Apr., `02);
- ibid, talk presented at the First Feynman Festival, Univ. of Maryland, College Park MD (Aug. `02)
- ibid, talk presented at the 33rd Snowbird Conference on Progress in Quantum Electronics, Snowbird, UT (Jan. `03).
- "A quantum cookbook: A set of laboratory exercises, based on NMR spectroscopy, for a first course in quantum mechanics," talk presented at the Gordon Conference on Physics Education Research: Quantum Mechanics, Mt. Holyoke College, MA (June, `02);
- "Quantum dynamical semigroup tomography," talk presented at the AMS Eastern Regional Meeting, Special Session on Quantum Information (Aug., `02).
- ibid, AMS/MAA/SIAM Joint Meeting, Baltimore, MD (Jan. `03)
- ibid, ARO Workshop on Quantum Control (D.G. Cory & T.F. Havel, organizers), MIT, Cambridge, MA (Oct. `02).
- "Density operators in the multiparticle space-time algebra," talk presented at the Applied Geometrical Algebras Meeting, organized by the Inst. for Math. & Appl., Trinity College, Cambridge UK (Sep., `02).
- "Information dynamics in open quantum systems," talk presented at the conference on Information Transfer and Combinatorics, organized by R. Alswede, Zentrum fuer Interdisziplinaer Forschung (ZIF) der Univ. Bielefeld, FRG (Nov., `02).
- "A robust method for estimating the Lindblad operators of a dissipative quantum process from measurements of the density operator at multiple time points," poster presented at the ESF Conference on Advances in Quantum Information Processing: From Theory to Experiment, Ettore Majorana Center, Erice, Italy (Mar. `03).
- "Metric matrix embedding in protein structure calculations, NMR spectrum analysis, and relaxation theory," talk presented at the 44th Experimental NMR Conference, Kurt Wuthrich Nobel Celebration, Savannah, GE (Mar. `03).
- "A hierarchical model of decoherence and its NMR implementation," Pacific Inst. for the Math. Sciences, Quantum Mechanics on the Large Scale (organized by P.C.E. Stamp, G.A. Sawatzky, A.J. Leggett, T.F. Havel, S. Popescu & R. Gill), Banf, Canada (Apr. `03).
- "A quantum cookbook," Univ. of Sherbrooke Chemistry Colloquium, Canada (Apr. `03).
- "Representations of quantum operations in geometric algebra," invited lectures given at the NATO Advanced Study Institute on Computational Noncommutative Algebra and Applications, Il Ciocco Resort, Barga, Italy (Jul. `03).
- "Geometric algebra: Parallel processing for the mind", Andreas Dress Fest, Uni. Bielefeld, Germany (Oct. `03).
- "A Bloch-sphere-type model for two qubits in the geometric algebra of a 6-D Euclidean vector space", SPIE Symp. on Defense & Security, session on Quantum Information and Computation (Apr. `04).
- "Geometry, statistics and protein conformation", International Workshop on Mathematics Mechanization, Shanghai, China (May `04).
- "A matrix representation for the multiparticle space-time algebra", Geometric Invariance and Applications in Engineering, Xi'an, China (May `04).
- "Simple but useful mathematical tools for the description and analysis of decoherence processes", Entanglement, Information and Noise, Krzyzowa, Poland (Jun. `04).
- "Experimental methods for quantum control in nuclear spin systems", Quantum Information and Quantum Control, Fields Institute, Toronto, Canada (Jul. `04).
- "Quantum simulation with macroscopic lattices of nuclear spins", AFOSR Workshop on Quantum Computation for Physical Modelling, Martha's Vineyard, USA (Sep. `04).
- "Introduction to geometric reasoning with Clifford algebra", Automated Deduction in Geometry, Gainsville, FL (Sep. `04).
- "Some connections between protein NMR spectroscopy and NMR quantum computing", Progress in Quantum Electronics, Snowbird, UT (Jan. `05).
- "Reflection symmetries for multi-qubit densities", Quantum Information Processing, MIT (Jan. `05).
- "Quantum information processing with nuclear spin based devices", NSTI Nanotechnology Conference and Trade Show, Anaheim (May `05).
- "Quantum control of nuclear spins", CMI / EPSRC Quantum information theory and technology summer school, Belfast, Northern Ireland (Sep. `05).
- "Control of qubits encoded in decoherence-free subspaces", CMI symposium on quantum technologies, Cambridge, U.K. (Sep. `06).
- "Towards an Industrial Ecosystem for Micro-Energy Technology", Fraunhofer Symposium on Micro-Energy Technology (Power-to-Go), Freiburg, Germany (Nov. `07).
- "Adsorption-Enhanced Compressed Air Energy Storage", Electrical Energy Storage Applications and Technology, Seattle, WA (Oct. `09).