REC Reverse Engineering Compiler

You can download any of the following binaries free of charge, and use them for any lawful purpose, educational or commercial.

REC 1.5f for Linux : for Red Hat 5.2
REC 1.5f for Windows 95 :  
REC 1.6 for Solaris SPARC : rec16sp.tar.Z (tar+compress)
REC 1.5f for Solaris i386 : rec15fsi.taz (gzip+tar) (zip format)
REC 1.5d for SunOS : rec15ds4.taz (gzip+tar format)
(Files are from 120 to 400 kbyte. Each file contains the REC executable, prototype files for Linux and Windows, and a 386 example executable).

You can also download just the prototype files.

These files contain the types and function declarations for several system calls. When a prototype file is specified in the types: command of a .cmd file, or in the proto.lst file, REC will read the symbolic information from that file and use it to infer the number and type of local variables and function parameters.

Type files:

Linux + Windows type files (140k) or recsupp.taz (gzip+tar format)
Linux only type files (18k) recsuppl.taz (gzip+tar format)
Windows only type files (120k)

Due to copyright restrictions, the Windows prototype files are only available in binary form.

The MIPS disassembler source is also available.

Copyright © 1997 - 2000 Backer Street Software - All rights reserved.

REC Home Page  Last updated: 19 Sep. 2000