Black Belt Exam 07 at MIT

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photo: Grand Master Kang observing Gabe's form
photo: Sabumnim Jeanniton hand strike
photo: Grand Master Kang giving instructions
photo: Front hook kick
photo: Sabumnim Jeanniton performing one step combinations on Katy
photo: Katy performing one step combinations on Scott
photo: Jordan kicking heavy bag
photo: Katy kicking heavy bag
photo: Mireille kicking heavy bag
photo: Preparing for target strikes
photo: Mireille scissor sweeping Gabe
photo: Mireille and Sabumnim Jeanniton preparing to spar
photo: Jordan and Mireille sparring
photo: someone goes down during sparring
photo: Sabumnim Jeanniton gets Mireille to the ground during sparring
photo: Mireille breaking with a hook kick
photo: Mireille breaking with a flying side kick
photo: Sabumnim Jeanniton breaks with a flying side kick over 3 students (everyone was safe before, during and after the break)
photo: That's the spirit! still alive after the end of the test