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Annual Awards for Contributions to the Field of Technical Communications

Invitation for Nominations

The ACM SIGDOC Executive Board welcomes letters of nomination for the SIGDOC Rigo and Diana Awards. The Rigo Award celebrates an individual's lifetime contribution to the field of information design, technical communication, and online information design; the Diana Award celebrates the contribution of an organization, institution, or business. Letters of nomination should describe your relationship to the nominee, your rationale for nominating him/her, and provide supplementary materials that list achievements and notable contributions to the field (in the form of web materials, reviews, or hardcopy vita information). Send letters of nomination to

Dr. Brad Mehlenbacher
ACM SIGDOC Awards Chair
Technical Communication, Box 8105
NC State University, Raleigh, NC 27695

email: brad_m@unity.ncsu.edu
website: http://www4.ncsu.edu/~brad_m
fax: 919.515.6071

Rigo and Diana Awards History

The Rigo and Diana awards are named after Joseph Rigo, SIGDOC's founder, and Diana Patterson, past chair of SIGDOC for three terms. The awards are given annually. Nominations are considered carefully by the SIGDOC Executive Board (elected and appointed members) each year, and the final recipients are determined in a series of run-off votes.

Since 1988, the Rigo award has been given to the following people:

Since 1992, the Diana award has been given to the following organizations:

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Last updated on 20 October 2003.
Comments to sbjones@mit.edu