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media in transition

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RETHINKING MEDIA CHANGE: The Aesthetics of Transition

David Thorburn and Henry Jenkins, editors

click on highlighted titles to see chapters or excerpts of chapters

1. Introduction: Towards an Aesthetics of Transition (complete)
David Thorburn and Henry Jenkins

2. Web of Paradox
David Thorburn

3. Historicizing Media in Transition
William Uricchio

4. Re-Newing Old Technologies: Astonishment, Second Nature, and the Uncanny in Technology from the Previous Turn-of-the-Century
Tom Gunning

5. How Users Define New Media: A History of the Amusement Phonograph
Lisa Gitelman

6. Books Are Dead, Long Live Books (excerpt)
Priscilla Coit Murphy

7. Help or Hindrance? The History of the Book and Electronic Media
Paul Erickson

8. Historical Perspectives on the Book and Information Technology
Gregory Crane

9. Potholes on the Information Superhighway: Congress as Publisher in Nineteenth-Century America
Oz Frankel

10. Prophetic Peasants and Bourgeois Pamphleteers: The Camisards Represented in Print, 1685-1717
Daniel Thorburn

11. Redefining the Home Screen: Technological Convergence as Trauma and Business Plan
William Boddy

12. Home to Home Page: Designing Digital Books
William J. Mitchell

13. Reflections on Interactvity
Luis O. Arata

14. Forms of Future
Michael Joyce

15. Stitch Bitch: The Patchwork Girl
Shelley Jackson


16. "Let's Be Going": A Parent Reads GeekCereal
Peter Donaldson

17. Private Uses of Cyberspace: Women, Desire and Fan Culture
Sharon Cumberland

18. Quentin Tarantino's Star Wars? Digital Cinema, Media Convergence, and Participatory Culture
Henry Jenkins

19. Immersion in the Virtual Ornament: Contemporary "Move Ride" Films
Constance Balides

20. The Virtual Window
Anne Friedberg

21. Achitectures of the Senses: Neo-Baroque Entertainment Spectacles
Angela Ndalianis

22. Media Technology and Museum Display: A Century of Accommodation and Conflict
Alison Griffiths

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