Where has it spread?

Maps of confirmed cases counts show the reach of COVID-19 in LA County. Initial increases in confirmed cases may have been due to both infection spread and where people were getting tested more. Without complete testing, confirmed case counts underestimate the actual number of infections and their prevalence in communities.

The source code used for this visualization is available on Github.
Data Source: LA County Department of Public Health

Do rising cases reflect increased testing?

No, while testing and cases have both increased since March, they have not moved in lock step.

Note: recent dates are incomplete due to lags in reporting. These tests represent Electronic Lab Reporting Data only. Not all laboratories submit electronic reports.

Who has been counted?

Some racial data is available from the Public Health department. A look at the current case counts and fatality rate shows the breakdown. Click on each color to see the totals highlighted.


A collection of links to learn more and get involved

CA Tracking

The LA Times features a statewide tracker, with a look at other metrics.

US Tracking

The COVID Tracking Project collects information from 50 US states, the District of Columbia, and 5 other US territories.

Global Tracking

A global case map from the Center for Systems Science and Engineering at Johns Hopkins University CSSE.

National PPE Coalition

A consortium focused on unifying the PPE supply chain.

List of COVID-19 Opportunities

An unvetted list from 80,000 hours of resources related to COVID-19, including ways to get involved.