Female craters

Credit: A. Tripathi, M. Lin, NASA/LRO/LOLA

Of the 1578 lunar craters named after people, only 32 are named after women. They are:

1. Hypatia of Alexandria (355 or 370-415)
2. Catherine of Alexandria (~287-~305)
3. Nicole-Reine de la Briere Lepaute (1723-1788)
4. Caroline Lucretia Herschel (1750-1848)
5. Mary Fairfax Greig Somerville (1780-1872)
6. Anne Sheepshanks (1789-1876)
7. Catherine Wolfe Bruce (1816-1900)
8. Maria Mitchell (1818-1889)
9. Agnes Mary Clerke (1842-1907)
10. Sofia Vasilyevna Kovalevskaya (1850-1891)
11. Annie Scott Dill Russell Maunder (1868-1947)
12. Williamina Paton Fleming (1857-1911)
13. Annie Jump Cannon (1863-1941)
14. Antonia Maury (1866-1952)
15. Henrietta Leavitt (1868-1921)
16. Mary Adela Blagg (1858-1944)
17. Mary A. Proctor (1862-1957)
18. Marie Sklodowska-Curie (1867-1934)
19. Lise Meitner (1878-1968)
20. Amalie Emmy Noether (1882-1935)
21. Louise Freeland Jenkins (1888-1970)
22. Priscilla Fairfield Bok (1896-1975)
23. Gerty Theresa Radnitz Cori (1896-1957)
24. Judith Arlene Resnik (1949-1986)
25. Sharon Christa McAuliffe (1948-1986)
26. Kalpana Chawla (1962-2003)
27. Laurel Blair Salton Clark (1961-2003)
28. Valentina Vladimirovna Nikolayeva Tereshkova (1937-)
29. Marie Tharp (1920-2006)
30. Elisabetta Pierazzo (1963-2011)
31. Hildegard von Bingen (1098-1179)
32. Dorothy Vaughan (1910-2008)

Last retrieved from the International Astronomical Union (IAU) Working Group for Planetary System Nomenclature (WGPSN) 03/2020.