Congratulations to the 2017 Prize Winners!
High School Gold Division Champion: The Sly Shrews
(Shrewsbury High School)
High School Gold Division Runner-Up: Her Deepness Sylvia Earle
(Newton South High School)
High School Silver Division Champion: The Fish
(Newton South High School)
High School Silver Division Runner-Up: C7H8N4O2 > Pi
(North Andover High School)
Middle School Division Champion: The Science Guys
(Madeline English School)
Middle School Division Runner-Up: The Pascallian Rascals
(Acton Boxborough)
Judge's Favorite Team Name (joint):
E = MC Hammer (R. J. Grey Junior High School)
The Fig Neutrons (Northborough)
2017 Science Trivia Program.
The entire album of photos from 2017.
And here are some Featured Photos from the 2017 Challenge