Differences between Heimdal and MIT Kerberos APIΒΆ
Heimdal: If either of the pointers to local_addr and remote_addr is not NULL, it is freed first and then reallocated before being populated with the content of corresponding address from authentication context.
Heimdal: If either address is NULL, the previous address remains in place
Heimdal: Not implemented as of version 1.3.3
Heimdal: If either port is NULL, the previous port remains in place
Heimdal: Not implemented as of version 1.3.3
MIT: Before version 1.10 it was assumed that the last arguments data is ALWAYS non-zero.
Prototype difference.
Heimdal takes three arguments:
krb5_context context,const char *type,krb5_timestamp *change_time
MIT takes two arguments:
krb5_context context,krb5_timestamp *change_time
Heimdal: Caches the computed default realm context field. If the second argument is NULL, it tries to retrieve it from libdefaults or DNS.
MIT: Computes the default realm each time if it wasn’t explicitly set in the context