Thai Students Association at Massachusetts Institute of Technology or TSMIT is a cultural and educational network of Thai undergraduate and graduate students at MIT. TSMIT has served as a hub of communication within the Thai community in the greater Boston area since the early 1990’s. Over the years, TSMIT continues to organize social and cultural events, receive important guests from Thailand, and connect Thai students from the many colleges in Boston. In addition, TSMIT intends to promote international standing of Thai heritage among its members and with the outside community through intellectual and cultural activities. Some of our recurring events are Biannual Party, Fall Foliage Trip, and Thai Cultural Night. The complete list of events can be viewed here. TSMIT welcomes all Thai students in the greater Boston area and friends.
Every year over columbus day weekend, members of TSMIT get together to appreciate the beautiful fall foliage of New England. In 2012, more than twenty members set out for Walden Pond in Concord, MA to see the leaves changing color and explore the heritage of Henry David Thoreau. Other destinations that we have been to include Mount Monadnock and Mount Major in southern New Hampshire.
In 2011, TSMIT celebrates Loi Kratong festival by hosting a cultural event ‘Festival of Lights’ for the MIT community. The event was held in the Walker memorial at MIT and featured traditional music and dance performances. Attendees enjoyed authentic Thai food and participated in make-your-own Kratong activity. This event also served as a fund-raising as all proceeds went to Thai Red Cross toward alleviating the impacts of the mega flood.
TSMIT Biannual Party is hosted twice a year in the beginning of the Fall and Spring semester to welcome back to school all Thai students in the area. The parties provide a perfect opportunity for returning students to catch up with friends and for newcomers to make new connections. During the party, TSMIT community enjoys delicious Thai food catered from a local restaurant and participate in quirky games designed especially to entertain Thai students. This photo was taken in Spring 2013.
A chorus group singing His Majesty’s composition “Near Down” (Glai Roong) during the MIT-Harvard Thai Night 2011. ‘Thai Night’ is a large scale cultural event that TSMIT hosts every three years to celebrate our beautiful heritage and show off our culture to the outside community. Thai Night features many performances that accurately reflect on Thai traditional and pop culture.
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