Paper content
Paper parameters
Paper standards
Paper organization
Paper formating
File format
Paper publication
Paper presentation
Author Information
1) Content
- We accept papers reporting original research (and/or development), surveys and essays. As usual, we do prefer papers reporting original research. (check below for more details).
- All papers must be original, that is, never published before. You will be asked to sign a standard publication release.
2) Parameters
- Language: English.
- Size: We accept either short papers (4 pages A4, single-space) or "standard size" papers (8-12 A4 pages, single-space).

3) Standards
- Units: We request all authors to use of the International System of Units when describing physical quantities.
- Literature references: Literature citations in the main text should be made by last name of authors and year (eg. Smith and Silva, 1997 or Silva et al, 1999).Publications in the same year by the same author should be distinguished by lowercase letters (e.g. Smith, 1998a and Smith, 1998b) All and only the papers cited in the text should be fully listed at the end of the paper, in alphabetical order of first author, according to the following examples:
- Book: Valiela, I. (1984). Marine Ecological Processes. Springer-Verlag, New York. 546 pp.
- Paper in journal: Wangersky, P.J. (1974). Particulate organic carbon: sampling variability. Limnology and Oceanography 19, 980-984.
- Paper in book or published proceedings: Suess, E. (1976). Nutrients near the depositional interface. In: The Bentic Boundary Layer, Ed. I.N. McCave, Plenum Press, New York, pp 57-79.
- Organization/product references: All references to organizations must be either directly relevant to the reported research, or within a specific section for acknowledments. We do not accept papers with the objective of promoting a product or an organization (for-profit or non-profit).
- ICPPIT03 welcomes contributions that are based on the experience of practitioners and of organizations, including private companies. However, for any communication to be considered for presentation at this Conference (and therefore for publication in the Conference Proceedings), they all must address, as its primer and dominant content, some problem, issue, or research question, preferably (but not mandatory) including research results and/or analysis, and clearly identified as such. In other words, this Conference is not the adequate forum for papers whose primer content is dedicated to essentially presenting a company (or any organization, for that matter). The same applies to commercial products.
4) Organization
- The paper should be organized as follows:
- Paper title;
- Author(s) names, without academic titles, written in sequence; each author´s last name should be written in capitals (e.g. João SILVA 1 and John SMITH 2)
- Author(s) position, institutional affiliation, postal and e-mail adresses. Reference authors to personal information by superscript numerals.
- Abstract - 150 to 200 words (MUST comply with this limit);
- Main text.
- May be organized with two levels of headings, henceforth called main headings and secondary headings.
- The text may include tables and figures (graphics, drawings, maps or pictures).
- Tables and figures should have two separate, sequential sets of numbering.
- Table captions should come above the table, figure captions below the figure.
- If the table or figure is positioned crossways, the top should be to the left of the page.
- Aknowledgements;
- References.
- No stationary, headers, footers or footnotes should be used.
To correct or complete author info, you should use the abstract submission form
5) Formating
- Media size and margins: The document should be in A4 format (297 mm x 210 mm). All margins should have 3 cm. Nothing should be written outside these margins.
- Color use: The proceedings will be printed in black-and-white, so do not use color-dependent information. Color versions may be used in the internet edition and eventually in CD edition.
- Pictures: Pictures within the text are acceptable, as long as they are clearly an important part of the paper, and not just an add-on. Do not use color-dependent information (maps, etc.). We are considering to include a series of color printed pages in the Proceedings, but they will be separated from the papers.
- Font: All text should be in Times New Roman font. (Mac-OS users that may not have this font readily available should inform us and we will e-mail it to them.)
- Size and alignment:
- Regular text should be size 10, single-spaced, space before 6 points, justified.
- The paper title should be size 12, bold capitals, centered.
- Headings should be size 10, bold, space before 12 points, left-aligned.
- Main headings should be in capitals, secondary headings lowercase.
- Table and figure captions should be size 9, bold, space before and after 6 points, centered.
- Author position, affiliation and contacts should be size 9, centered.
- Paragraph styles: All text should be set to "Normal" paragraph style except for title, headings and captions. The paper title should be in style "Heading 1". Main headings should be in style "Heading 2". Secondary headings should be in style "Heading 3". Table and figure captions should be in style "Heading 4".
6) File format
- Media: The paper should be sent by e-mail, as an attached document, to all the following emails :,,
- File: send in both of the following formats:
- - Microsoft Word, versions 5.1 or more recent; and
- - Rich Text Format (RTF).
- Version: Please check that Microsoft Word is able to handle the tables or figures you include in the text.
- Images: If you are including pictures, please send also a separated JPEG file of the picture, in very low compression/very high quality mode. Use only plain JPEG: the interlaced or progressive formats are not acceptable.
7) Publication
- All papers are subject to review by at least two referees. The Conference Committee is responsible for the final review report and acceptance decisions.
- All papers (submitted on time, 5 November) will be published in the Conference Proceedings. If we get funding, we plan to also edit a CD version. The printed version, 500 to 1000 copies (depending on funding), will be distributed to most prestigious Universities and Libraries all over the world. All attending registered authors will receive a free copy. Remaining copies (after distribution list) will be sold.
- All papers (submitted before the Conference) may be published on the Web.
- All authors and co-authors are requested to send basic affiliation information, together with what they need for their presentation. All submitted information will be public, unless requested otherwise (item-specific). We include at the end the requested information.
8) Presentation
- Conference time: All attending registered authors, with papers submitted on time, will be given a Conference time-slot for presentation (5 to 30 minutes, depending on the final number of author registrations). However, short papers will have a smaller presentation time-slot. Late submissions (after deadline) risk to lose their presentation slot.
- Presentation requirements: All attending registered authors should inform us about the resources needed for their presentation, well in advance.
- Topic: Some abstracts are submitted suggesting a different Conference Topic than the assigned by us. If you disagree, you are welcome to explain why and your opinion will be taken in consideration, but the Program Committee has the final word.
II - Paper information (mandatory)
II-a) Your paper will be (select one):
- a research paper (reporting original research/development/experiment by its authors)
- a professional / practitioner case study
- a survey paper (no author original research involved, but dealing with current research/development)
- an essay (discussion, analysis, argument, etc.)
- other (please define)
II-b) You estimate it will be (choose one):
- a standard paper (8-12 pages)
- a short paper (4 pages)
II-c) Please briefly enumerate estimated resources needed for your presentation:
(eg. overhead projector, slide proj., LCD/screen proj., computer (OS?), etc.)
You enter this information in the web Registration form
Please be precise and brief in all your answers. Use english only. Thank you.