Ciclo Internacional de Conferencias
"Desarrollo Social en México. Hacia un Camino Sustentable"
Toluca 3 a 5 de Octubre de 1996
Fotografias Programa
Dr. Vilchis, Head of the host Department at UAEM, closes a session with final comments.
After Mtro. Alejandro Natal introduction (left) Dr. Luis Rionda is presenting his talk on "Cómo
combate a la pobreza la oposición. El caso de Guanajuato".
Nadia Guadarrama and her friend never miss a session...
Pedro Ferraz de Abreu is presenting his talk on "Participación
y Democracia. La toma de decisiones sociales en la nueva Sociedad de Información".
A interested and diverse audience filled the conference room from the begining to the end.
Lunch after the Conference, with COPOED and CITIDEP fellows. Then, debate, and party!