Sensing the Unseen: Introduction
September 17 Speakers: Constance Classen and David Howes
The Elusive: Listening
October 22 Speakers: Steven Feld and Hillel Schwartz
While sound can access or augment the out-of-sight, it can also — through echoes, fade-outs and subaudible vibrations — generate uncertainties or new possibilities for individuals or collectivities.
The Unaccounted: Measuring
November 12 Speakers: Kim Fortun and Sarah Igo
Whether at the nanoscale, the atomic scale, the molecular scale, or even the scale of global accounting practices, measurement is one way to bring unseen phenomena into discourse.
The Occult: Governing (Schedule Update)
December 3 Speakers: Adam Ashforth and Bruce Grant
If governance depends upon making social relations legible, what of realms of sociality — uncanny, ghostly, ensorcelled, marginalized, subaltern — out of view of state, national, and international institutions?
The Invisible: Feeling
February 11 Speakers: Thomas Csordas and Kathryn Geurts
Feeling exemplifies many epistemological problems connected to the unseen, with respect both to unseen actions (inside the body) and to their meaning for the experiencer.
The Evanescent: Tasting
March 11 Speakers: Amy Trubek and Brad Weiss
Taste is at once a subjective aesthetic experience and also subject to normative judgment.
The Obscure: Photographing
April 15 Speakers: Karen Strassler and Marianne Hirsch
From spirit photography to microcinematography to strobed high-speed snapshots to heat cameras, photography and film have been enlisted to bring into visibility — or to create — phenomena not apprehensible by the so-called naked eye.
The Transitory: Filming (New session)
May 6
A round-robin of screenings and discussion of works-in-progress by Cambridge-based, ethnographically minded filmmakers, including Chris Boebel and Christine Walley, Emily Zeamer, Hanna Rose Shell, and Ernst Karel.
All seminar meetings are free and open to the public — no registration is required.
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