3.32 Optimal district design in terms of city blocks In this problem we shall examine the question of optimal district design for cases in which the dimensions of a district can assume only integer values due to the grid structure of streets.
    Consider again the case described in Problem 3.15, which involved an n x m rectangular grid district with two-way streets. In that problem you have shown that

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    Suppose now that we wish to design a district so as to minimize E[D], subject to the constraint that the area of the district is greater than or equal to some value A (i.e., mn geq.gif (61 bytes) A). (It is not reasonable to set an equality constraint since m and n can take only integer values.) For instance, if A = 44, we wish to find n and m such that E[D] is minimized and the district contains at least 44 city blocks.

a. Consider the quantity

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under the constraint n + m = C (where C is a positive integer constant). Argue that under this constraint Q is maximized when n = m (if C is an even number) or n = m + I (if C is an odd number), and minimized when n = 0 or when m = 0.

Hint: Q is symmetric in n and m.

b. Show that the following algorithm will give the optimal district dimensions [LARS 72a]:

STEP 1: Set i = [sqrt.gif (69 bytes)A], where [x] = smallest integer greater than or equal to x.

STEP 2: Set j = i - 1 if i(i - 1) geq.gif (61 bytes) A; otherwise, set j =  i.

STEP 3: Set k = i + 1, ell.gif (55 bytes) = j - 1.

STEP 4: If kt geq.gif (61 bytes) A, set i = k, j = 1; return to Step 3. Otherwise, stop; the optimal district dimensions are n = i,
              m = j.

c. Apply your algorithm to find the optimal district dimensions for the case A = 44.

d. Compare numerically E[D] for the cases: m = 7, n = 7; m = 6, n = 8; m = 5, n = 9; m = 4, n = 11. (All these designs satisfy mn geq.gif (61 bytes) 44.) What do you conclude from these numerical comparisons?