7.9 Two police cars in district Suppose that a second police car was added in the rectangular district described in the example of Section 7.3. Both cars are at the center of the district at time t = 0 and one of them is chosen arbitrarily to service the first call. From then on, whenever both cars are available at times when calls for assistance are received, the car closest to the location of the new call is dispatched there. When both cars are busy, arriving calls are placed in a queue and served according to the "shortest-travel-time" queue discipline (described in Section 7.3) as police cars become free. All problem parameters are exactly the same as in Section 7.3.

Draw a flowchart, at a level of detail similar to that of Figure 7.25, describing how you would simulate this situation. You will note that the flowchart of Figure 7.25 contains all the essential ideas that you will need to simulate the new situation.

11C. W. Skinner, "Some Implications of Buffon's Needle Experiment for Simulation Modeling," ORSA/TIMS Joint National Meeting, Boston, April 1974.