"[IAP] offers opportunities for creativity and flexibility in teaching and learning."
--About IAP, http://web.mit.edu/iap/aboutiap.html
MIT's Independent Activities
Period (IAP) is a great example of teaching and learning in
non-traditional settings. It offers an opportunity for undergraduates
to teach in a low pressure environment, without the long-term
commitment or syllabus restrictions teaching/TA-ing a full class
has. It also offers a setting for trying out ideas for new and
innovative classes and learning situations.
UTEACH will help promote and support undergraduate teaching during IAP
Recruiting many undergrads to teach/run activities during
IAP. Encouraging undergrads to experiment with different methods and
settings for teaching, including developing pilot courses that could
become seminars or activities during the term, running activities in
their residences, using electronic classrooms and presentation
technology, and so on.
Helping students connect with other students or staff who can help
them plan their activity or co-teach with them.
Helping students find any materials, money, and resources they need.
Keeping students on schedule (making sure they submit IAP guide
entries, requests for funding, room reservations, and so on before the
appropriate deadlines).
Along with the Teaching and Learning Lab and the Teacher Education
Program, offering the students a one-time teaching workshop to get
them thinking about how they want to teach or run their activities.
Bringing the students together in groups before IAP or in early IAP
to discuss and share ideas about how to organize and run their
activities. This can also be an opportunity to practice teaching
to the other students in the group.
Arranging videotaping of each activity, and giving the tape to the
student running the activity. Students can evaluate themselves, or
there will be times set up when students can
meet with someone skilled at evaluating teaching and go through and
analyze the tapes.
The current list of IAP activities sponsored by UTEACH is in the
on-line IAP guide at: http://student.mit.edu/iap/NSUTEACH.html
contact Ben Davis at bendavis@mit.edu for more
information or to suggest an IAP activity.