Project-Based Subjects for the
Freshmen Year
  "We encourage the Institute to conduct several curricular experiments ... including: ... modify existing freshmen-level GIRs by injecting significant components of inquiry-based learning"

--Preliminary Findings and Recommendations of the Educational Design Project , 8/99, p.9

UTEACH is developing and teaching pilot versions of several hands-on classes for the freshmen year.

  1. During Fall 1999, Ben Davis '99 (UTEACH Coordinator) and Eric Smith '01 (ESG undergraduate) are developing and teaching a project-based version of 8.01 in ESG. This class covers the same topics as regular curriculum 8.01, with a focus on how the concepts are useful to engineering and design.

    The class assignments include increasingly open-ended design projects where the students apply the physics they have learned and their creativity to designing and sometimes building real-world projects.

    This course has a web page, and you can contact the course developers at

  2. UTEACH is developing a series of hands-on labs for the Integrated Studies Program.

  3. UTEACH is developing a residence-based project-oriented robotics seminar. More details are available here.

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