This isn't a brand-new feature (it appeared in the last issue), but we do hope that it will become a regular feature. However, this can only happen if Phos has questions from you to answer. We know that you have nagging questions that you dare not ask any of your close friends or family, so, send them to Phos.
Your questions about love, sex, money, murder and greed may be mailed to our office, emailed to or left on our answering machine at 253-4575.
Submissions can be mailed to our office.
The Joke Page is an old VooDoo feature, but it hasn't appeared lately because we haven't received any submissions of jokes. So, until we start getting a steady influx of jokes for this column from our readers, we are just going to print our own. However, all we know are ``elephant'' jokes, ``blonde'' jokes and ``but I just met her/him'' jokes.
This month's picking is ``blondes'' and ``elephants''. If we don't get some submissions before February, next issue's Joke Page will be ALL ``but I just met her/him'' jokes. Just look at these gems : ``Bittersweet chocolate? But he just met her!'' and ``Succumb to injury? But I just met him!''
The only way that you can avoid this horrible fate is by submitting funny jokes for the column. Jokes may be mailed to our office, emailed to or left on our answering machine at 253-4575.
In the next issue of VooDoo, we hope to inaugerate the following two features as regulars :
Submissions should be mailed to our office.
IgNobel news tips should be mailed to our office, emailed to tt or called in to 253-4575.