I just read your December 1997 issue, and I found one of my comedy sketches, "King Tartarus," in that issue. I had submitted that sketch, among several others, to VooDoo for a past year's contest. Unfortunately, VooDoo did not name me, Rob Wagner, as the author. Instead, VooDoo published my article without due credit to me, and did not name an author. I would like to see this injustice remedied. Since you have several other of my sketches on file at VooDoo, I request that you publish one or more of them in the next issue, giving me due credit for those sketches as well as for "King Tartarus." I request that you consider heavily the sketches "Radio Disc Jockey," "Soda or Water?" and "The Annoying Man" for further publication, and I request that you publish any or all of them in your next issue, with due credit to me, the author, as well as a retraction acknowledging that "King Tartarus" from the December issue was in fact written by Rob Wagner. In the alternative, I request that you re-publish "King Tartarus," this time giving due credit to me, the author. Thank you very much, and I hope to see this situation remedied.Sincerely,
Rob Wagner.