1. When your dude wants to meet you for dinner, where does he prefer to soothe his hunger pains:
a) Networks
b) Walker
c) Baker Dining
d) His frat's totally gorge dining room
2. On Saturday nights, where can you be sure to find your Mr Right (when he's not snuggled in your arms, of course):
a) The Coffeehouse
b) In game
c) Wherever the biggest party is
d) Drunk in a roomful of his bros and their Wellesley chicks.
3. What one item is your honey never without:
a) Black clothing
b) His Leatherman
c) His daily planner
d) His Greek letter baseball cap
4. Where does he live:
a) East side of campus
b) West side of campus
c) Across the river
5. You know he has a bad side... What's the worst crime he's ever committed (without being caught, of course):
a) Jaywalking...?
b) Shit, where'd I put my list?
c) Underage drinking, public drunkenness, etc etc etc...