"Young & Modem"

by VooDoo Fashion Editors Brandy Evans & Vanessa Hernandez



  • Eyeshadow on the bottom lid - Everyone else looking more hosed than you? Don't want to be labelled an underacheiver? Sweep a little blue or purple shadow under your eyes for an instant worn-out, overworked look.

  • Kiss that iron goodbye - So you only spent two hours on that ten-page HASS-D paper that you know will get an A. You don't want to invoke jealousy in your classmates, do you? Even if you're perfectly well-rested, pull a wrinkled shirt from the bottom of your laundry, pull back your hair while it's still wet, and trudge off to class like the rest of us sleep-deprived zombies.

  • It's party time! - You've all heard it... Wellesly to bed, Harvard to wed, MIT just to talk to. It's time to change those stereotypes! Pull out your miniskirts and baby tees and show that Tech chicks can groove just like Wellesly whores...er, girls.


  • Partied out - No matter what you were up til 5:30 AM doing, during daylight hours show your support for the new alcohol policies! Last term's hung over look is totally gone, so down some coffeee, take a cold shower, and face the world sober! Sure you're being hypocritical, but hey, that's the world of fashion.

  • Altavista, Yahoo - No more searching the web on Friday nights to find the best porn. If you're still ogling images not on EECS's Top 10 Quality Porn Sites list, you must be totally out of the loop.

  • Harvard - So what else is new?


    Is your man a Twinkie?
    How to tell!

    1. When your dude wants to meet you for dinner, where does he prefer to soothe his hunger pains:
    a) Networks
    b) Walker
    c) Baker Dining
    d) His frat's totally gorge dining room

    2. On Saturday nights, where can you be sure to find your Mr Right (when he's not snuggled in your arms, of course):
    a) The Coffeehouse
    b) In game
    c) Wherever the biggest party is
    d) Drunk in a roomful of his bros and their Wellesley chicks.

    3. What one item is your honey never without:
    a) Black clothing
    b) His Leatherman
    c) His daily planner
    d) His Greek letter baseball cap

    4. Where does he live:
    a) East side of campus
    b) West side of campus
    c) Across the river

    5. You know he has a bad side... What's the worst crime he's ever committed (without being caught, of course):
    a) Jaywalking...?
    b) Shit, where'd I put my list?
    c) Underage drinking, public drunkenness, etc etc etc...


    1. a=1pt b=2 c=0 d=-1
    2. a=1 b=2 c=0 d=-1
    3. a=1.5 b=2 c=0 d=-1
    4. a=1 b=0 c=-1
    5. a=1 b=2 c=0

    The results:

    6-9: Face it, your sweetie is knee deep in total twinkage!
    3-5: Teetering on the edge... Maybe a Ho-Ho or a Ding Dong? We'll let you judge.
    0-3: Trust me, don't worry.
    below 0: WTF?? Why did you even waste your time?!?