New House Women's Dorm Room Movie

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New House

Each dorm room speaks to its own rhyme and reason, even if, on first glance, chaos prevails over reason. This is a fairly typical double for women in New House, a dorm so named because it was, well, new when constructed in 1975. The residence system offers a range of styles in building, room, and culture, from Charles River dorms to historic Back Bay brownstones to residential houses in nearby Allston and Brighton.

Chocolate City VR

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Chocolate City

A tidy room. In fact, an incredibly tidy room (we're very impressed), courtesy of Chocolate City, an all-male, traditionally African American and Latino living group in New House. MIT has a number of independent living groups devoted to different interests. There's everything from Alpha Delta Phi, a living group with roots in literature and the arts, to Russian House, two floors in New House where a diverse bunch of "kulturnie ludi" share language, culture, and home-cooking. "Obed gotov!" ("Dinner's ready!")

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