2.007 Movie

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2.007 Robot Competition

Ancient Rome had its gladiators; MIT has its 2.007 engineers. 1997 2.007 winner Sami S. Busch advised 1998 participants to "stay calm" during the 30-second competition, but the crowd can't always be restrained.

2.007 Movie

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2.007 Design and Manufacturing

It's the mother of all robot-building contests. MIT's famed 2.007 (formerly 2.70) course "Design and Manufacturing" puts engineering students to the test. Robots arise from piles of electronic and pneumatic devices (stuff like rubber bands, strings, and springs). The 1998 event pitted two robots against each other in a contest to get rid of as many balls as possible in 30 seconds. Timothy S. Zue's "Fuzz Bumper" emerged victorious.

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