Parsons Lab VR

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Parsons Lab

The Ralph M. Parsons Laboratory hosts hydrodynamic studies involving wave motions, free surface flows, and flows in porous media. It's just one of many places on campus participating in the Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP - as in "Your Op"), the nation's oldest program of its kind. And it's the best, because it lets you research topics as varied as coastal water circulation patterns and proton-antiproton interactions at 2 TeV in the center of mass.

Wave Tank movie

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Wave Tank

One of the biggest labs on campus, Parsons has more than 40,000 square feet of classrooms, labs, computer facilities, and offices, including the J. Robert Gunther Family Three-Dimensional Ocean Wave Facility. The latest in laser-Doppler instrumentation permits the study of realistic wave climates generated by 47 independently controlled paddles. Don't try this in your own bathtub.

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