Wiesner Building Courtyard VR

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Wiesner Building Courtyard

Someone right around here is working on a computer that adjusts to its user's moods. The research and teaching facilities in this part of town include the Media Lab, the Center for Cancer Research, Brain and Cognitive Sciences, and Health, Sciences and Technology. The elegant courtyard, designed by Richard Fleischner, is home to Henry Moore's Reclining Figure, a smaller version of his sculpture in the plaza of New York's Metropolitan Opera House. There's more great art inside the Wiesner Building, as MIT's List Visual Arts Center is the region's leading gallery for contemporary art.

Media Lab movie

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Media Lab

Things think, paper is electronic, and your car knows how to reach your destination. It's the future, brought to you by the folks at the Media Lab. An internationally renowned electronic research and performance facility, the Lab is directed by Nicholas Negroponte, who has discussed new technologies in Wired columns and the acclaimed bestseller, Being Digital. Get in on the fun - the Lab has numerous UROP positions in research ranging from autonomous agents and 3D imaging systems to electronic books and intra-body signaling.

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