The first one is something I was doing for a while during a potato kick. Not sure where I got it from; maybe Moosewood, maybe Laurel's, Kitchen who knows. It's a potatoe thingy.. It's all sort of "whatever"; no strict directions, just ideas.. Take some potatoes, and cook them (try not to overcook them). I usually boil them, but that's because i don't like the skins (vitamins or not..). While the potatoes are cooking, saute some onions with anything else you want to give taste -- garlic, parsley, dill, whatever. You don't have to use a lot of fat for this; just enoug to cook them; and you can dump off the excess when they're soft enough. You might want to saute the onions and then add the herbs to avoid the "herbs stuck in the fat" problem. Mash the potatoes. Put a few good dollops of plain yogurt on top, and mix it all up well; the non-fat is a bit too tangy for my taste, but I've done it. I prefer low-fat, and I use about a third or a half cup 'cos I like the taste so much.. Put the onions and all in with this combination, and eat it down. I used to make a huge plate full, and even tho I don't usually eat much, I had no trouble finishing it.. I don't know (or pay attention to) much about nutrition, probably should more than I do; but this always felt "good for me" because potatoes are about as close as you can get to perfect. I have developed an affection for "gold" potatoes, which you can get at Bread and Circus, I think..