Boston Vegetarian Food Festival

Speakers and Food Demonstrators

Speaker Schedule

Speaker Bios:

* John Morlino is a social worker by profession who lectures at conferences and universities throughout the U.S. and Canada through his program, The ETHIC. His presentations involve discussions of ethical and animal issues, examining the connections between our treatment of animals and larger ethical considerations within our society.
* Rachelle Bronfman is co-author with her husband of the new cookbook CalciYum!. She will discuss the many ways to get more calcium into your diet. Find out how to make your meals calcium-rich without relying on dairy products. Her book took close to 4 years of research & recipe testing to bring vegetarians and non-vegetarians this valuable information on calcium alternatives to dairy.
* Ken Bergeron, CEC is a vegan chef who has won three gold medals at the International Culinary Olympics. He was chosen Chef of the Year by the Connecticut Chef's Association. Ken will demonstrate recipes from his forthcoming book Professional Vegetarian Cooking.
* Bob LeRoy, MS, RD holds an M.S. in Nutrition and Public Health and an Ed.M. in Community Nutrition Education. He is a Registered Dietitian and has served as Nutrition advisor to the North American Vegetarian Society since 1990.
* Didi Emmons is the author of Vegetarian Planet and is well-known as a chef in many of Boston's finest restaurants -- Hamersley's Bistro, The Cambridge House Inn, The Blue Room, and The Delux Cafe. Didi is currently part-owner of Pho Republique, a French Vietnamese restaurant in Cambridge and soon to open in the South End of Boston.
* Michael Greger is a fourth year medical student at Tufts. Graduated from Cornell's College of Agriculture, he worked as Farm Sanctuary's Chief BSE Investigator, writing and lecturing on the public health implications of mad cow disease. Michael debated National Cattlemen's Beef Association Director Gary Weber before the FDA and was invited to testify as an expert witness defending Oprah Winfrey.
* Sara Ellen Martin : an instructor for the LivingEarth Learning Project. LivingEarth offers free presentations about animals and the environment for grades three through college to schools in many areas of New England.

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