MIT Wallace Astrophysical Observatory

50 Groton Road, Westford, MA 01886 / MIT Bldg: OC-21 / MPC 810 / 42° 36' 35" N x 71° 29' 04" W

Sky Conditions at Wallace
Link to ALLSKY camera site

CLICK for an interactive LIVE image.

Night Sky Brightness
Sky Quality Meter Trend

The night sky magnitude represents how bright our sky is directly overhead.  To see the Milky Way, this number must be > than 20.2.   

Sky Quality Meter Current Readings
Current Observing Conditions

Live data from at Wallace Observatory from our SkyAlert weather sensor.

    Clear Sky Clock (48hrs)
As you may have noticed, the sky is getting brighter. This is not good for our research and it is not good for your nighttime environment. We will soon be posting more info on how you can help. In the meantime, please turn off unecessary lighting at night. Thanks!

What's Up?

The planets!     

Established 1971

A teaching and research facility run by the planetary astronomy lab in the Department of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences (EAPS) at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).

History Location Contact

Clear Skies!

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