
Greetings, fellow wanderers. What brings you to this corner of the net?

Whee! Experimenting with HTML! :D

~Portals to Elsewhere~

riapsed's LJ
Mareeesa's Homepage
Yuandalin's b2log
Kevin Chen's Homepage
Hongyi Hu's Homepage
Danielle's Homepage
Dave Held's Homepage

MIT Symphony Orchestra (MITSO)

~Portals in Emi's World~

Collected quotations
Overflowed ponderings...
Color glory of Life

(Be patient...Emi is just getting the hang of this HTML stuff...)

March 3, 2003: Heh. So I don't really do anything with this webpage anymore...if I were less lazy and more inspired, I suppose I could change that. I was looking through various baker246 pictures...'twas nice how they captured those instants of time. They make me wish I had a digital camera and had documented this year more. Then at least I'd have memories to post here.

August 22, 2003: More quotations added.

Emi is a cabbage dragon...or so she likes to believe ;) She inhabits the universe of MIT and finds herself rather happy there, searching for kindred spirits and reveling in the wonderful, unifying force that is called Athena ::insert golden light and heavenly music::

When not tooling for her classes and wondering if she is competent enough to do Course 8, Emi enjoys music and art of all forms, playing in Assassin's Guild, and sci-fi novels.

Perhaps our paths will cross one day.
Until then...may you fare well.