This table contains information about graduate awards and appointments, ie. RA (Research Assistant), TA (Teaching Assistant), and FE (Fellowship). Each graduate appointment/award includes information about the student, the amount, the status of the award, the fund type (Tuition, Stipend, Insurance), the cost object and GL which the award is charged to, and the awarding department. Each of the graduate award/appointment is set up by academic terms (Summer, Fall, Spring) for the financial aid year. This table may be joined together with the GRADUATE_AWARD_WORK_AREA table to get more information about the supervisor for which the graduate student is a TA or RA.
Field Name |
Description |
Data Type |
Length |
The total actual dollar amount charged for the fiscal period or periods selected. In GRADUATE AWARDS, this field contains the graduate award (RA, TA, etc.) amount. |
13.2 |
A unique number identifying the graduate student appointment in MITSIS. A new one is assigned each time a new appointment is created in the Web Grad Aid application. |
11 |
The key identifying a unique entry in the GRADUATE APPOINTMENT TYPE table. Use this field to join to the GRADUATE AWARD TERM DETAIL table for graduate awards data. This field is NOT used for reporting. |
10 |
The key identifying a unique entry in the GRADUATE AWARDING DEPARTMENT table. Use this key to join to the GRADUATE AWARD TERM DETAIL TABLE for graduate awards data. This field is not used for reporting |
4 |
Key used to join the Cost Collector to the financial transaction, and to get the master data that were current at the time of the transaction. This field should only be used for joining data, NOT for reporting. |
12 |
Specific to HR_POSITION_DETAIL: For filled positions, End Date equals Appointment End Date. For open-ended appointments, this date is usually 12/31/2999. For Closed Positions, the End Date is the delimit date on the position. Specific to GRADUATE_AWARD_TERM_DETAIL: Within the term, this is the latest date to which the money under this account has been applied. It is calculated differently depending on the type of aid. For TUIT and INS, this is set to the end of the term. For STIP, this is set to the latest date for this account in the term in the stipend distribution section in the RPAGAAID form in MITSIS. UNMATCHED payroll has this set to the latest date in the unmatched Payroll records. In all other tables, END DATE is the thru date of the transaction. |
8 |
Use this field to join the STUDENT TERM ENROLLMENT table with another student table which contains the same-name KEY field. This field should only be used for joining tables, not for reporting. |
15 |
10 |
Financial aid fund code. Examples: PERKNL, STADFL, TLFXXL, C1950$ |
6 |
Key used to join the GL_ACCOUNT to the financial transaction, and to get the master data that were current at the time of the transaction. This field should only be used for joining data, NOT for reporting. |
10 |
Use this field to join together tables GRADUATE_AWARD_TERM_DETAIL and GRADUATE_AWARD_APPOINTMENT. |
10 |
Use this field to join together the GRADUATE AWARD TERM DETAIL table and the GRADUATE AWARD WORK AREA table. |
10 |
The total insurance amount entered on MITSIS for this account number. |
11 |
Percentage of Full time Effort for the appointments that require work, such as RA, TA, TS, and IG. Values range from 1-100%. This field is empty on fellowships because no work is required. UNMATCHED Payroll also has this field blank. |
5 |
MIT ID number of the person. Use this field to join with other tables containing data about people at MIT. |
9 |
Indicates the total amount to be paid monthly for the student for this appointment as entered on MITSIS. Only STIP awards have this value filled in. Most fellowships are paid t the beginning of the term, so in these cases, the monthly amount is also blank. See MONTHLY_PAID_AMOUNT for the amount that Payroll recorded on their system. |
11 |
Y/N field indicating whether this RA is on or off campus. Off-campus research has a different object code and has a lower overhead rate. 354=RA on-campus 355=RA off-cmpus This field has been calculated by looking in the COMMENTS field for the words OFF and CAMPUS. This calculation may NOT be perfect, especially if the word CAMPUS was misspelled, etc. A field is being added to the MITSIS data entry screen which will capture this information in a more precise manner in the future. This field may be useful in finding students who had off-campus indicated in the COMMENTS field but were not assigned by Payroll to object code 355. If the system found an off-campus object code on the Payroll side (355), it set the Object_Code_Flag to Y, even if it did not find any notation on MITSIS. |
1 |
In the FINAID AWARD DETAIL Table, this field contains the total amount of the award paid to the student's bursary account. In the GRADUATE AWARD TERM DETAIL Table, this field contains the total amount paid to the student for this account number. |
11 |
The date through which the student has been paid. It is calculated differently depending on the type of the aid. For TUIT and INS, this contains the date the money was passed from MITSIS to the Accounting system's General Ledger. For STIP, this contains the latest paid date for which the student has been paid (under this account) for the term. |
8 |
Indicates the frequency of the payment. M=Monthly T=Once a term Only applies to STIP components. |
4 |
Y/N field indicting that this is the primary appointment for the term. This field has been calculated as follows: If the student has overlapping appointments, the appointment with the most money (total of stipend and tuition) is flagged as the primary appointment. NOTE: The Grad Award Screen in MITSIS will be modified to allow the user to manually choose which appointment should be considered primary. |
1 |
The first day of the fiscal period. Specific to HR_POSITION_DETAIL: If the Position is filled, this value equals the appointment begin date of the person filling that position. If the position is unfilled, this value is either the date the last person vacated the position. For new positions that have never been filled, this date is the start date assigned to the position. Specific to GRADUATE_AWARD_TERM_DETAIL: Within the term, this is the earliest date to which the money under this account has been applied. It is calculated differently depending on the type of aid. For TUIT and INS, this is set to the beginning of the term. For STIP, this is set to the earliest date for this account in the term in the stipend distribution section in the RPAGAAID form. UNMATCHED payroll has this set to the earliest date in the unmatched Payroll records. |
8 |
In the GRADUATE APPOINTMENT TYPE table, this field indicates the status of the appointment: whether Cancelled or Actual. In the ALUMNI BY COURSE table, this field carries one of these statuses: "Active", "Lost", "Purgable" regarding the MIT alumnus/alumnae. |
40 |
The total stipend amount entered on MITSIS for this account number. |
11.2 |
The total stipend amount entered on MITSIS for this account number as recorded on Payroll's system. This includes any SANDI adjustments. |
11 |
Use this field to join to the STUDENT TERM ENROLLMENT table |
15 |
** For FINANCIAL DATA: the Term Code identifies the status of the cost collector. Blank - open for charges between start and end dates. Term Code = 1 - Closed. Pre-end date charges allowed. Term Code = 2 - No longer in use. Term Code = 3 - Terminated. Charges not allowed. ** For STUDENT DATA: the Term Code identifies one of the terms in an academic year; for example: 1999FA==>Fall Term of the 1998-99 academic year, and 1999SP==>Spring Term of the 1998-99 academic year. |
6 |
The total tuition amount entered on MITSIS for this account number. |
11 |
The total tuition amount paid to the student for this account number. |
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The date the record was loaded into the Data Warehouse from the source system. |
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