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MIT Data Warehouse General Reports

Instructions for downloading & processing reports

From the list of reports, find the one you want to download. Click on the [Download] button underneath the report name to download the report.

Reports with the symbol (standard reports) have been tested by a group of central and departmental users who have checked that the numbers in the report reliably tie out to SAP.

Reports without a symbol (user reports) have been reviewed by the Data Warehouse team and approved for posting on the web, but have not been through a formal testing process.


|Employee Directory| |IAP Non-Credit Activity| |IR Awards and Honors| |Moira Lists| |TIP|



Employee Directory

MIT Employee Directory.




Created By

Last Modified

Employee Directory


Modified 3/18/2005 to widen the phone number column and text wrap other columns in the report. Displays full name, title, office address, office phone and email information for the selected department name.



IAP Non-Credit Activity

IAP non-credit activity and session data.




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Last Modified

IAP Non-Credit Activities


Reports included in this query are current/upcoming (1) IAP Non-Credit activities with one record for an activity; (2) activities grouped by Category with Sponsor - activities with multiple categories will appear as many time in each of the Categories. There are also sponsor information in this report; (3) activities grouped by Category with session information such as session title, session date, session begin time, and session end time. There is one record per activity per category per session; (4) activities grouped by Category with information about the persons associated with the activity -- Activity Leader, Contact Person, Session Leader, etc. There are also reports with count of activities, and count of activities by Category.



IR Awards and Honors

Information about awards and honors bestowed to MIT current and former faculty and staff members and alumni.




Created By

Last Modified

IR Awards and Honors


Information of Awards and Honors bestowed to current and former MIT faculty and staff members, and alumni; maintained by the Office of Institutional Research.

Shirley Wong



Moira Lists

Information about Moira lists.




Created By

Last Modified

Moira List Detail


Information about visible MOIRA lists. Including summary and detail reports of MOIRA lists by lists and owners, with total count of members, and kerberos name or email addresse of members.




TIP Management Reports for School and Department TIP Liaisons




Created By

Last Modified

TIP Management Report


Modified 6/11/2014 to add FALL and SPRING Instructors from the CIS Course Catalog. Management report to assist School and Department TIP liaisons with monitoring textbook submissions for a specified term. One query has detail and summary reports highlighting subjects that do not yet have textbook submissions and those that do, of those subjects that could have submissions.

Maija Ahlquist
