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MIT Data Warehouse Human Resources Reports

Instructions for downloading & processing reports

From the list of reports, find the one you want to download. Click on the [Download] button underneath the report name to download the report.

Reports with the symbol (standard reports) have been tested by a group of central and departmental users who have checked that the numbers in the report reliably tie out to SAP.

Reports without a symbol (user reports) have been reviewed by the Data Warehouse team and approved for posting on the web, but have not been through a formal testing process.


|Appointment| |DLC Employee Directory| |Employee| |HR Leave Reports| |Historical Cyborg Reports| |Positions|




Appointment information for MIT employees. Reports in this section are based on SAP HR data and do not include data from Cyborg.




Created By

Last Modified

Chair Appointments


Revised 5/9/2008.
For a selected Fiscal Year and Department/s, this query shows chair appointment data. There are two pivot reports: (1) chair appointment data by the PC of the Chair Cost Collector ("Vacant" will be displayed for the period for which the Chair Cost Collector is without a chair holder), and (2) chair appointment data by the HR department of the chair holder. These reports can be run for fiscal years beginning with FY2003.


Expired and Expiring Appointments


Revised 12/7/2010 at the request of HR to exclude student employees. This report returns people in your department whose appointments have expired, or will expire within a user specified time frame. Faculty in Administration and Institute Professors are excluded from the report. The report shows name, department, job title, Salary, and appointment end date.

Maija Ahlquist


Other Academic Termination Report


Revised 12/7/2010 at the request of HR to exclude Student Employees. This report replaces the Rank II Termination report. Rank Lists do not exist in SAP HR data; the Employee Type "Other Academic Group" is the closest equivalent to the old Rank II grouping. The report lists all Other Academic Group appointments with termination dates equal or less than the limit date set by the user. The report will assist DLCs in managing termination forms for Other Academic employees.

Maija Ahlquist


Salary History Report (New)


Revised 7/7/2006 to use a new view, HR Appt Action Detail instead of HR Appt Tx Detail. to retrieve all actions for people who have more than one personnel action effective on the same date.There are two reports, Salary History by Person and Salary History by Personnel Area and Job Title. The reports show Appointment Start Date, Transaction Start and End Date, Percent Effort, Personnel Action type, Salary amount, Salary amount change and Salary percent change. IMPORTANT NOTE: No history was loaded into SAP HR. Therefore the history available in this report begins from September 2003 forward. For earlier history, you must use the Salary History report in the "Historical Cyborg Reports" section of the HR reports.

Maija Ahlquist



DLC Employee Directory

Reports enabling DLC HR Administrators to review and update information for the MIT Faculty and Staff Directory.




Created By

Last Modified

DLC Employee Directory


***REVISED 9/16/2008 to show an error message when login faiils. ***The electronic version of the MIT Faculty and Staff Directory, for Department HR Administrator use only. This document now includes the Invalid Address report (previously a stand-alone report) and a Directory Override report in addition to the Department Directory report and a Correction Form for Distribution.




Information about MIT employees. Reports in this section are based on SAP HR data and do not include data from Cyborg.




Created By

Last Modified

Affirmative Action


This report contains several pivots and charts showing headcount by employee category, ethnic origin, and gender.

Maija Ahlquist


Affirmative Action Limited


This report contains several pivots and charts showing headcount by employee category, ethnic origin, and gender. This report provides the same information as the Affirmative Action report, but can be processed by users who do not have access to sensitive personnel information in their departments (who have the "Limited" HR roles).

Maija Ahlquist


Department Directory


This report provides a simple departmental directory report listing employees as of a user-specified date. There are two reports, one sorted by employee name and one sorted by HR Area and Subarea by name, including job title, room number, telephone extension and e-mail address.

Maija Ahlquist


Employee Self Service Data Report


Modified 2/15/2006 to show only employees with missing information. This report includes information that employees maintain using Employee Self Service. Data includes office and home address, emergency contact, ethnic origin and e-mail address. There is one formatted report which includes completion statistics and a summary of missing information that allows authorized administrators to follow-up with employees about using ESS to maintain their information, or to maintain information for their employees using the Employee tab on SAPweb.

Maija Ahlquist


Headcount EFT


Revised 1/3/2011. There is one pivot report sorted by Personnel Area and Subarea showing name, gender, job title, Appt Begin and End dates, percent effort, salary and EFT.

Maija Ahlquist


New Hire Review


REVISED 5/9/2006.This report returns a list of new Administrative Staff and Support Staff hires in your department based on user-specified dates. It calculates the 4th, 5th, and 6th month anniversary dates to enable planning the New Hire Review process.

Maija Ahlquist


New Hire Review Limited


Same as the New Hire Review query, but for people with limited HR access. This report returns a list of new Administrative Staff and Support Staff hires in your department based on user-specified dates. It calculates the 4th, 5th, and 6th month anniversary dates to enable planning the New Hire Review process.

Maija Ahlquist


Transfers, Retirements and Terminations


REVISED 12/30/2005 to show only transfers into the selected DLC, but not transfers within the same DLC. This query returns lists of Transfers, Retirements and Terminations within a user-specified time frame. There is a separate report for each action type listing the person's name, department, effective date of action, and e-mail address.

Maija Ahlquist


Transfers, Retirements, and Terminations Limited


Same as the Transfers, Retirements and Terminations query, but for people with limited HR access. This query returns lists of Transfers, Retirements and Terminations within a user-specified time frame. There is a separate report for each action type listing the person's name, department, effective date of action, and e-mail address.

Maija Ahlquist



HR Leave Reports

Reports showing total hours worked and absences by time period and type (vacation, sick leave, etc. Balances are shown for those absence types with balance quotas.




Created By

Last Modified

Non-exempt Absence Report


Modified 10/1/2009. Reports on all absence types (vacation, sick leave, bereavement, jury duty, etc). Contains a leave usage summary, an employee absences report, a pivot showing nonexempt employee leave balances, and a table of leave details for export.

Maija Ahlquist


Non-exempt Absence Report Basic


Modified 10/1/2009. For use by those who do not have full access to HR data: this report uses the Employee Basic table which does not contain any sensitive data. Reports on all absence types (vacation, sick leave, bereavement, jury duty, etc). Contains a leave usage summary, an employee absences report, a pivot showing nonexempt employee leave balances, and a table of leave details for export.

Maija Ahlquist



Historical Cyborg Reports

This section contains reports for retrieving historical HR data from the Cyborg system (transactions prior to September 2003).




Created By

Last Modified

Affirmative Action Report


This report contains two pivots and two charts. Pivots: 1. Title by Country with Gender Totals: 2. Race by Title with Totals: Displays a count of a department's current employees by country of citizenship, gender, and rank type. Charts: 1. Depicts the count of a department's current employees by country of citizenship and rank type. 2. Depicts the count of a department's current employees by country of citizenship and gender.

Maija Ahlquist


Headcount/EFT Limited


This report provides the same information as the Headcount/EFT report (job title, full name, percent effort, headcount, and EFT sorted by job code and rank type), but can be processed by users who do not have access to sensitive personnel information in their departments.


Headcount/EFT Report


Displays the job title, employee's full name, percent effort, headcount, and EFT sorted by job code and rank type.

Maija Ahlquist


Salary History Report


REVISED 7/1/2004 to show years of service based on hire date. Contains two Detail reports. First report displays the transaction start and end dates, percent effort, salary, fte salary and percent salary change sorted by job title, job code, and years of service for all employees within a given department. Second report displays the Transaction start and end dates, percent effort, salary, fte salary and percent salary change sorted by job title, years of service, employee name, job code, and rank type.

Maija Ahlquist




Data about filled and vacant positions. Reports in this section are based on SAP HR data and do not include data from Cyborg.




Created By

Last Modified

OBFP Position Management Report Limited


Revised 3/3/2006 . Position Management report to assist Administrative Units with position headcount reporting. There are two date limits in this query: users should enter the same date in each limit box. This report was created with the Person Employee Limited table and the Hr Position Limited Detail table for use by those who do not have access to sensitive employee data or full access to financial data. It does not contain salaries.


OBFP Position Roster for FY Budgeting


REVISED 3/3/2006. Users should download and use this new version. This report helps you to obtain the SAP Postion Data that allows you to complete the Position Roster that will become the baseline salary budget for the new fiscal year. Please contact your Budget Officer for further information.


Position Number Report


REVISED 3/3/2006. This position report contains Position Number and Title, MIT Job Code, and Position Status for filled and vacant positions in a department for a date to be specified by the user (reminder: data in the warehouse is as of the day before, so users wanting the most current position information should enter "yesterday's" date in both date boxes). This simple query may be helpful for administrators trying to identify position numbers in order to complete HR forms. IMPORTANT: This query document contains two separate queries. To retrieve all data, users should use the "PROCESS ALL" option from the Process button drop down list rather than simply hitting the "Process" button.

Maija Ahlquist


Positions Limited with Time Groups


This query is for use by those who do not have access to full financial data for positions. It is the same as the Positions with Time Groups report except that it does not show the budgeted dollars for positions. It shows how many positions you have in your department, for a date to be specified by the user. There are several pivot reports showing positions sorted by HR area (academic, non academic) and subarea (faculty, administrative, support, etc.), and by Position Status (vacant, filled, pending, etc.).

Maija Ahlquist


Positions with Job and Directory Title


Revised 3/3/2006. This purpose of this report is to help DLC administrators review the Position Title, Job Title and Directory Override Title for the employees in their department. There is one report sorted by Department Name and Personnel Subarea, showing Name, Position ID, Position Title, Position Title Long, MIT Job Code, Job Title, and Directory Title.


Positions with Time Groups


REVISED 7/20/2006 to include students in the reports. This query shows how many positions you have in your department, for a date to be specified by the user. There are several pivot reports showing positions sorted by HR area (academic,non academic) and subarea (faculty, administrative, support, etc.) and by Position Status (vacant, filled, pending, etc.).

Maija Ahlquist
