Data Warehouse

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MIT Data Warehouse Coeus

Business area which contains information on Research Proposal and Grants

Follow the links in the Tables in Group column to see a list of all the tables used in the star/group, together with information on how to combine the tables in a query.

Follow the links in the Data Model Diagram column (if available) to see a pictorial representation of the star.

Star/Table Group


Tables in Group

Data Model Diagram

OSP Award Costshare

Information about OSP Award Cost Sharing

OSP Award Costshare tables

OSP Award Costshare data model

OSP Award Indirect Cost

Information about OSP Award Indirect Costs

OSP Award Indirect Cost tables

OSP Award Indirect Cost data model

OSP Award Special Review

Information about Osp Award Special Review

OSP Award Special Review tables

OSP Award Special Review data model

OSP Award Terms and Conditions

Information about OSP Award Terms and Conditions

OSP Award Terms and Conditions tables

OSP Award Terms and Conditions data model

OSP Proposal Cost Sharing

Information about OSP Proposal Cost Sharing

OSP Proposal Cost Sharing tables

OSP Proposal Cost Sharing data model

OSP Proposal IDC Rate

Information about OSP Proposal Inderect Cost Rate

OSP Proposal IDC Rate tables

OSP Proposal IDC Rate data model

OSP Proposal Investigator

Information about OSP Proposal Investigator

OSP Proposal Investigator tables

OSP Proposal Investigator data model

OSP Proposals

Information about OSP Proposals

OSP Proposals tables

OSP Proposals data model

OSP Proposals to Award MAP

Information about connection between Proposals and Awards

OSP Proposals to Award MAP tables

OSP Proposals to Award MAP data model