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MIT Data Warehouse Financial Aid

Business area which contains Student Financial Aid information

Follow the links in the Tables in Group column to see a list of all the tables used in the star/group, together with information on how to combine the tables in a query.

Follow the links in the Data Model Diagram column (if available) to see a pictorial representation of the star.

Star/Table Group


Tables in Group

Data Model Diagram

Financial Aid Awards

This area contains student financial aid award information. You may find in this area the complete financial aid packages of student financial aid applicants for the financial aid year. Data items included in this area are: the offer amount, offer date, status, and the type and category of each award in the aid package; promissory loan note information; award disbursement information; as well as the biographical and enrollment information of the students for the financial aid year.

Financial Aid Awards tables

Financial Aid Awards data model

Financial Aid Campus Work

This area contains detailed distribution transactions of all student payroll data. The information may be used (1) for Financial Aid College Work Study Program (CWSP) classification and assignment, (2) in payroll verification (ie. so and so did work here from this date to that date), (3) as a record for actual payment to graduate students, and (4) as statistical analysis of student work at MIT.

Financial Aid Campus Work tables

Financial Aid Campus Work data model

Financial Aid Grant Packages

This area contains information about MIT grant assignments (including the specific grant and the awarded amount) for students who are eligible to receive MIT grant. Also included in this area is the Student Financial Aid MIT grant management data.

Financial Aid Grant Packages tables

Financial Aid Grant Packages data model

Financial Aid Work Summary

Financial Aid Student Campus Work Earnings summary data. The total amount of earnings for each student who works on campus in the financial aid year.

Financial Aid Work Summary tables

Financial Aid Work Summary data model