Data Warehouse

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MIT Data Warehouse General

Business area which contains information about MIT buildings and rooms, the MIT employee directory, keys, and space. Information about the warehouse structure and data is also found in this area.

Follow the links in the Tables in Group column to see a list of all the tables used in the star/group, together with information on how to combine the tables in a query.

Follow the links in the Data Model Diagram column (if available) to see a pictorial representation of the star.

Star/Table Group


Tables in Group

Data Model Diagram

IR Awards and Honors

Information of Awards and Honors bestowed to current and former MIT faculty and staff members, and alumni; maintained by the Office of Institutional Research.

IR Awards and Honors tables

IR Awards and Honors data model

Moira Lists

Information about visible Moira Lists, including list names, list owners, list members, and last update date.

Moira Lists tables

Moira Lists data model