Data Warehouse

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MIT Data Warehouse Human Resources

Business area which contains information about employees and appointments, including biographical, salary and appointment information. For historical data (HR actions prior to September 2003 when SAP HR was activated), use reports in the Historical Cyborg Reports section. NOTE: New reports based on SAP HR data are available in BrioQuery version 6 only.

Follow the links in the Tables in Group column to see a list of all the tables used in the star/group, together with information on how to combine the tables in a query.

Follow the links in the Data Model Diagram column (if available) to see a pictorial representation of the star.

Star/Table Group


Tables in Group

Data Model Diagram

Academic Chairs

This area contains academic chair information which includes the chair holders of the academic chairs in different periods of time, and the various cost objects associated with each of the chair.

Academic Chairs tables

Academic Chairs data model

Employee CIP Details

Information about MIT Employees' CIP (Classification of Instructional Programs) records

Employee CIP Details tables

Employee Education

Information about Education Level, Subjects and Degrees

Employee Education tables

Employee Education data model

HR Absences

Data with to-date absences by absence type (vacation, sick leave, jury duty, bereavement, etc.). Balances are included for those absence types with balance quotas.

HR Absences tables

HR Absences data model

HR Appointment Transactions

HR Data - containing information about employee's appointment transactions

HR Appointment Transactions tables

HR Appointment Transactions data model

HR Appointments

HR Data - containing information about employee's appointments

HR Appointments tables

HR Appointments data model

HR Positions

Data about filled, open, and closed positions at the Institute.

HR Positions tables

HR Positions data model

HR Vacation Balances

Data with to-date balances and details (number of hours/days deducted, dates, etc.) for Vacation and Fifth-week Vacation.

HR Vacation Balances tables

HR Vacation Balances data model


This contains information about employees and appointments in the CYBORG system.

Personnel tables