Professional Experience Summaries
 Program Officer, Ship Structures and Systems Science and Technology Division, Office of Naval Research (ONR), Arlington VA. 10/95 - 8/98.
Program Manager for Surface Ship and Submarine Machinery and Electrical Systems Applied Research (6.2) at Navy labs and industrial contractors. Program Officer for Electrical Engineering Basic Research (6.1) including award, review, and management of research grants at US universities.
Team leader for the Power and Automation Integrated Science and Technology Team coordinating the 6.1 through 6.3 electrical engineering programs through ONR, Navy labs, and Navy Syscoms.
Systems Engineering Program Manager responsible for planning and execution of Advanced Development (6.3) system engineering for the Power Electronic Building Block (PEBB) based systems for surface ships and submarines. Organized PEBB Integrated Product Team (IPT) structure, organized collection of customer requirements, and developed quality function deployment (QFD) process for the PEBB program. PEBB selected as a DDR&E acquisition affordability 'model program' in 1996.
Ship Design Research Engineer, Carderock Division, Naval Surface Warfare Center (CDNSWC), Carderock, MD. 6/92 - 9/95
Ship Design Tools Project - Systems Engineering Program Manager for the Ship Design Tools (SDT) project for NAVSEA 92R in the development of an integrated computational design environment for submarine design implementing codes for hydrodynamics, propulsor design, and hydroacoustics. Involved creation of structured information models (IDEF0 and IDEF1X), integration of codes (RANS, CFD, FEA, others), and computational environment (Intergraph CAD 2, unix xwindows/motif) into a design tool for preliminary submarine design.
Propeller Working Group - Team leader of a team of 14 scientists, engineers, and Navy program managers for Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA) 03, PMS-393, 92R, and 92D project to investigating submarine propeller cavitation phenomena. Involved data gathering, analysis, sea trials, and engineering and operational changes to propeller design and submarine operational limits to mitigate cavitation occurrence.
Submarine Maneuvering Design Tool Project- Navy project manager for Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) project at the Hydrodynamic/Hydroacoustic Technology Center (H/HTC) for development of maneuvering design tool integrated by Draper Laboratory. Responsible for integrating GEORGE, TRAJv, and Fastship into a single design environment for submarines. Worked in conjunction with Vehicle Control Technologies, Inc. for submarine maneuvering codes.
CDNSWC Innovation Center System Technology Assessment Resource (STAR) project - Team leader for project investigating the feasibility of designing and implementing an integrated computational design capability for CDNSWC ship and submarine design. Involved study of 25 corporations and government agencies to determine how computational design is done, and to then specify how to implement a system as a resource to CDNSWC engineers.
New Attack Submarine (NAS) Cost and Operational Effectiveness Analysis (COEA) Diesel-Electric Submarine Option Preliminary Design Team - Participated on the design team as the Navy's submarine marine engineer responsible for the propulsion plant and electrical system design with Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA) and Newport News Shipbuilding (NNS) in the design of the non-nuclear variant submarine for the NAS COEA. Traded off design of 5 different propulsion systems including fuel cell, closed cycle diesel, closed cycle Brayton, Stirling engine, Aluminum-Oxygen semi-cell options. Implemented AHP downselect process to rank alternatives for multiple objectives.
Air Independent (Non-nuclear) Propulsion Systems Investigation - team leader for DARPA led project under the Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Research, Development, and Acquisition (ASN (RD&A)) to assess air independent propulsion (AIP) system technologies. Involved summarizing each possible technology, identifying current state-of-the-art in AIP systems and balance of plant subsystems, assessing foreign technology and submarine implementations to date, and issuing a report to Congress through ONR Office of Advanced Technologies (OAT) on findings and recommendations for feasibility of AIP application in U. S. submarines, coordinating with CDNSWC, ONR, DARPA, NAVSEA 92R, NAVSEA 08, and ASN(RD&A).
Shipwork Coordinator, Supervisor of Shipbuilding, Groton, CT. 10/86-5/89
Supervised ship construction as a 688 Class Project Office Shipwork coordinator for new construction of USS MIAMI (SSN 755) and in Repair Department for USS DALLAS (SSN 700) Selected Restricted Availability (SRA) and USS AUGUSTA (SSN 710) Special Availability (SA).
Communications Officer and Assistant Operations Officer, USS SCAMP (SSN-588) - Qualified Submarine Warfare Officer . 4/85-10/86

Nuclear Reactor Operations Instructor, Naval Nuclear Prototype Training Unit (NPTU) West Milton, NY - Reactor Operating Principles and Reactor Controls instructor at the MARF (S7G) reactor prototype. 7/80-8/81


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