"Long Term Evolution of the Solar System"
Jack Wisdom 1992, proceedings of the IAU symposium on "Chaos,
Resonances, and Collective Dynamical Phenomena in the Solar System"
held in Angra Dos Reis, Brazil, 1991.
''The Outer Solar System for 200 Million Years''
J. Applegate, M. Douglas, Y. Gursel, G.J. Sussman, J. Wisdom, 1986,
Astron. J. 92, 176. reprinted in Lecture Notes in
Physics #267 -- Use of supercomputers in stellar dynamics, Springer
Verlag, 1986.
''The Chaotic Rotation of Hyperion''
J. Wisdom, S.J. Peale, and F. Mignard 1984, Icarus 58,
137. reprinted in Hamiltonian Dynamical Systems, eds.
R.S. MacKay and J.D. Meiss (Adam Hilger, 1987).