Cartesian Coordinate Exercise Solutions

  1. Right handed axis system

    (The positive y-axis points into the page.)

    Left handed axis system

    (The positive y-axis points into the page.)

  2. The cartesian coordinates of the origin are (0, 0, 0). The cartesian coordinates of a point on the x axis would have the form (x, 0, 0) for some x. The coordinates of a point on the plane containing the y and z axes would look like (0,  yz).

  3. Answer

  4. The Three-Dimensional Pythagorean theorem

    If a point P has coordinates (x1x2x3), then its distance from the origin is

    Proof: Project the point P onto the x-y plane and call this projection P'. Project P' onto the x axis and call this projection P''. Now we have two right triangles to consider:

    Let's consider the second of these first. Now, the leg of this triangle from the origin O to the point P'' has length |x1| and the leg from P' to P'' has length |x2|, so by the normal (two-dimensional) Pythagorean theorem, the hypotenuse of this triangle, which is the length of the segment from the orign to P', is

    But the segment from P' to P has length |x3|, so by applying the Pythagorean theorem once again, we get that

    as desired.

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Last modified November 20, 1998