Solutions to Vector Exercises

  1. PP = 0, the 0 vector.

  2. The magnitude of the vector which represents the displacement between the point (1,2,3) and the point (4,5,6) is sqrt( (4-1)2 + (5-2)2 + (6-3)2 ) = 3 sqrt(3).

  3. i corresponds to (1,0,0), j corresponds to (0,1,0), and k corresponds to (1,0,0).

  4. The force that gravity exerts on a person near the Earth's surface can be described by a vector with magnitude g and direction down.

  5. If two sides of a quadilateral are parallel, then the quadilateral is a parallelogram and the other two sides are parallel as well.

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Last Modified 1 July 1997