#ifndef HTERROR_H #define HTERROR_H #include "HTAccess.h"
typedef enum _HTErrorElement { HTERR_OK = 0, /* 200 */ HTERR_CREATED, /* 201 */ HTERR_ACCEPTED, /* 202 */ HTERR_PARTIAL, /* 203 */ HTERR_NO_RESPONSE, /* 204 */ HTERR_MOVED, /* 301 */ HTERR_FOUND, /* 302 */ HTERR_METHOD, /* 303 */ HTERR_NOT_MODIFIED, /* 304 */ HTERR_BAD_REQUEST, /* 400 */ HTERR_UNAUTHORIZED, /* 401 */ HTERR_PAYMENT_REQUIRED, /* 402 */ HTERR_FORBIDDEN, /* 403 */ HTERR_NOT_FOUND, /* 404 */ HTERR_INTERNAL, /* 500 */ HTERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, /* 501 */ HTERR_HTTP_CODES_END, /* Put all non-HTTP status codes after this */ HTERR_NO_REMOTE_HOST, HTERR_NO_HOST, HTERR_FTP_SERVER, HTERR_FTP_NO_RESPONSE, HTERR_TIME_OUT, HTERR_GOPHER_SERVER, HTERR_INTERRUPTED, HTERR_CON_INTR, HTERR_CSO_SERVER, HTERR_BAD_REPLY, /* HTTP */ HTERR_NEWS_SERVER, HTERR_FILE_TO_FTP, HTERR_MAX_REDIRECT, HTERR_WAIS_OVERFLOW, HTERR_WAIS_MODULE, HTERR_WAIS_NO_CONNECT, HTERR_SYSTEM, HTERR_ELEMENTS /* This MUST be the last element */ } HTErrorElement; typedef enum _HTErrSeverity { ERR_FATAL = 0x1, ERR_NON_FATAL = 0x2, ERR_WARNING = 0x4, ERR_INFO = 0x8 } HTErrSeverity; typedef struct _HTErrorInfo { int handle; /* Unique number in this stack */ HTErrorElement element; /* Index number into HTErrorMsgInfo */ HTErrSeverity severity; /* A la VMS */ BOOL ignore; /* YES if msg should not go to user */ void * par; /* Explanation, e.g. filename */ unsigned int par_length; /* For copying by generic routine */ char * where; /* Which function */ } HTErrorInfo;
Note: The default value is made so that it only puts a message to stderr if a `real' error has occurred. If a separate widget is available for information and error messages then probably HT_ERR_SHOW_DETAILED would be more appropriate.
typedef enum _HTErrorShow { HT_ERR_SHOW_FATAL = 0x1, HT_ERR_SHOW_NON_FATAL = 0x3, HT_ERR_SHOW_WARNING = 0x7, HT_ERR_SHOW_INFO = 0xF, HT_ERR_SHOW_PARS = 0x10, HT_ERR_SHOW_LOCATION = 0x20, HT_ERR_SHOW_IGNORE = 0x40, HT_ERR_SHOW_FIRST = 0x80, HT_ERR_SHOW_LINKS = 0x100, HT_ERR_SHOW_DEFAULT = 0x13, HT_ERR_SHOW_DETAILED = 0x1F, HT_ERR_SHOW_DEBUG = 0x7F } HTErrorShow; extern unsigned int HTErrorShowMask;This is the table containing the actual error-messages and links for more information:
typedef struct _HTErrorMsgInfo { int code; /* Error number */ char * msg; /* Short explanation */ char * url; /* Explaning URL */ } HTErrorMsgInfo; extern HTErrorMsgInfo error_info[];
extern int HTErrorAdd PARAMS(( HTRequest * request, HTErrSeverity severity, BOOL ignore, int element, void * par, unsigned int par_length, char * where));
extern int HTErrorSysAdd PARAMS(( HTRequest * request, HTErrSeverity severity, BOOL ignore, char * syscall));
extern void HTErrorIgnore PARAMS((HTRequest * request, int handle)); extern void HTErrorIgnoreLast PARAMS((HTRequest * request));
PUBLIC void HTErrorSetPrefix PARAMS((char *path)); PUBLIC CONST char *HTErrorGetPrefix NOPARAMS;
PUBLIC void HTErrorMsg PARAMS((HTRequest * request));
PUBLIC void HTErrorFree PARAMS((HTRequest * request));