Event Functions for Multithreaded Library

**	(c) COPYRIGHT CERN 1994.
**	Please first read the full copyright statement in the file COPYRIGH.
This module is the application interface to the multi-threaded functionality in the Library. It contains a set of functions that the application can either use as are or they can be overwritten by the application. If the current implementation is kept, then the mode is called Active Mode of the multi-threaded model. If they are overwritten then it is called the Passive Mode implementation.

This module is implemented by HTEvent.c, and it is a part of the Library of Common Code.

Note: No matter of the mode used (active or passive) the module uses a set of call-back functions. The definition of these modules are for the application to provide.

The basic elements in the model are:

In order to use the code in the simplest way (active mode) the application must do the following:
  1. Implement a set (at least one) call-back function(s) of type HTEventHandler
  2. Register the eventhandlers using HTEventRegister
  3. Implement the HTEventRequestTerminate call-back function to react to the result of the request.
  4. Call the HTEventLoop with parameters to load the home document.
#ifndef HTEVENT_H
#define HTEVENT_H
#include "HTAccess.h"

Event Handlers

Note: application implementation

The appplication registers a set of event handlers to be used on a specified set of sockets. The eventhandlers must be defined as follows:

typedef enum _HTEventState {
    EVENT_OK = 0,
    EVENT_INTR,				      /* Interrupt the active thread */
    EVENT_INTR_ALL,			 /* Interrupt all registered threads */
    EVENT_TERM,			/* Force a call to HTEventRequestTerminate() */
    EVENT_QUIT						   /* QUIT eventloop */
} HTEventState;

typedef HTEventState (*HTEventHandler)	PARAMS((HTRequest ** request));

typedef struct _HTEventCallBack {
    int			sockfd;
    HTEventHandler	callback;
} HTEventCallBack;

Register a User Event Handler

An event handler can be registered using the following function:
extern BOOL HTEventRegister	PARAMS((HTEventCallBack * user_socket));

Cleanup Memory

The followinf functions deletes the list of registered eventhandlers (not the structure elements themselves - only the list!
extern void HTEventCleanup	NOPARAMS;
When select returns one of the sockets registered for user events, for example STDIN, as ready for READ then a function of type HTEventHandler is called to figure out what to do with the event. As mentioned, it is for the client to implement these functions, but the return codes must be as defined by HTEventState.

The client can use the load functions directly described in HTAccess Module from within any of the functions registered.

When the library calls the application the request field always contains the current request structure. The library reacts to the return value of the eventhandler.

Terminate a thread

Note: client implementation

This function is a callback function to the client to tell the result of a terminated request. The functionality is the same as for one of the EventHandler functions. The status code passed to the application is equivalent to the set of codes defined for the load functions in HTAccess.

extern HTEventState HTEventRequestTerminate PARAMS((HTRequest *	request,
						    int		status));
This function can be used to update the history list, hotlist etc.


This is the internal socket eventloop that is executed when the client doesn't want to have the eventloop. The client can interrupt this loop by sending an event on one of the sockets registered for user events. The arguments are used to load the first document (the home page) and are supposed to make life easier for the client.
extern int HTEventLoop			PARAMS((HTRequest *	homerequest,
			     		HTParentAnchor *	homeanchor,
					CONST char *		homekeywords));

#endif /* HTEvent_H */
End of interface definition module