001    package physics3d;
003    public strictfp class ZeroFinder {
005      /**
006       * ZeroFinder.Function is an interface which specifies a function whose roots
007       * can be found by this class.
008       */
009      public static interface Function {
010        public abstract double evaluate(double t);
011      }
013      /**
014       * @requires t_min <= t_max, stepSize > 0
015       * 
016       * Searches for possible roots of <code>function</code> by looking for sign
017       * changes. If a possible root is found, regula falsi is performed to try to
018       * determine the precise value of the root. This function searches for roots
019       * between <code>t_min</code> and <code>t_max</code>. Will return the
020       * smallest zero within the first interval of length stepSize where function
021       * changes sign. If no solution is found returns <code>NaN</code>, else
022       * returns the solution.
023       * 
024       * To improve speed, use smaller intervals or increase the step size. However,
025       * increasing the step size also increases the chance that the root you get is
026       * not the smallest. Also increasing the step size could decreases the
027       * probability that a root will be found, as less points are tested.
028       */
029      public static double findRoot(Function function, double t_min, double t_max,
030          int subintervals) {
031        double stepSize = (t_max - t_min) / subintervals;
033        if (Vect3.isAbout(function.evaluate(0), 0)) {
034          return 0;
035        }
036        double t = findInterval(function, t_min, t_max, stepSize);
038        if (t > t_max) {
039          return Double.NaN;
040        }
041        t = mullersMethod(function, t - stepSize, t);
043        return t;
044      }
046      // finds subinterval [a, b]of [t_min, t_max] of length stepSize
047      // with the function values at a and b opposite sign
048      private static double findInterval(Function function, double t_min,
049          double t_max, double stepSize) {
050        double f_told = 0;
051        double f_tnew = function.evaluate(t_min);
052        double t = t_min;
054        boolean foundChange = false;
056        while ((t <= t_max + .00000000000001) && !foundChange) {
057          t = t + stepSize;
059          f_told = f_tnew;
060          f_tnew = function.evaluate(t);
061          if (f_told * f_tnew < 0) {
062            foundChange = true;
063          }
064        }
065        return t;
066      }
068      // requires function values at a and b opposite
069      // and a < b
070      // finds a zero in the interval a, b of function f
071      private static double regulaFalsi(Function function, double a, double b) {
072        double min = a;
073        double max = b;
074        double middle = (a + b) / 2;
076        double fmin = function.evaluate(min);
077        double fmax = function.evaluate(max);
078        double fmiddle = function.evaluate(middle);
080        int trials = 0;
081        int maxTrials = 30;
082        boolean leftSide = false;
083        while (Math.abs(min - max) > Math.pow(10, -15) && trials < maxTrials) {
084          trials++;
085          middle = max - fmax / ((fmax - fmin) / (max - min));
086          //System.out.println(middle);
088          fmiddle = function.evaluate(middle);
089          if (fmiddle * fmin < 0) {
090            max = middle;
091            fmax = fmiddle;
092            if (leftSide) {
093              fmin = fmin / 2;
094            }
095            leftSide = true;
096          } else {
097            min = middle;
098            fmin = fmiddle;
099            if (!leftSide) {
100              fmax = fmax / 2;
101            }
102            leftSide = false;
103          }
104        }
105        return middle;
106      }
108      // requires function values at a and b opposite
109      // and a < b
110      // finds a zero in the interval a, b of function f
111      private static double mullersMethod(Function function, double a, double b) {
112        double p1 = a;
113        double p3 = b;
114        double p2 = (a + b) / 2;
115        double next = 0;
117        double fp1 = function.evaluate(p1);
118        double fp2 = function.evaluate(p2);
119        double fp3 = function.evaluate(p3);
120        double fnext = function.evaluate(next);
121        double q = 0;
122        double A = 0;
123        double B = 0;
124        double C = 0;
125        double disc = 0;
127        int trials = 0;
128        int maxTrials = 30;
129        while (Math.abs(p3 - p2) > Math.pow(10, -15) && trials < maxTrials) {
130          trials++;
131          q = (p3 - p2) / (p2 - p1);
132          A = q * fp3 - q * (1 + q) * fp2 + q * q * fp1;
133          B = (2 * q + 1) * fp3 - (1 + q) * (1 + q) * fp2 + q * q * fp1;
134          C = (1 + q) * fp3;
136          disc = 0;
137          if (B * B - 4 * A * C > 0)
138            disc = Math.sqrt(B * B - 4 * A * C);
139          if (B < 0)
140            disc = -disc;
142          if (B + disc == 0)
143            return 0;
145          next = p3 - (p3 - p2) * 2 * C / (B + disc);
146          fnext = function.evaluate(next);
147          p1 = p2;
148          fp1 = fp2;
149          p2 = p3;
150          fp2 = fp3;
151          p3 = next;
152          fp3 = fnext;
153        }
154        return next;
155      }
157    }