Options updated

'; } } /** * Show the main options menu */ function showMainMenu() { global $options_url; global $restrictions; $rePlaceManager = new RePlace(); $replaces = $rePlaceManager->getRePlaces(); $listview = get_option('re_place_listview'); if ( $listview == 'asis' ) { $asissel = 'selected'; $escapedsel = ''; } else { $asissel = ''; $escapedsel = 'selected'; } $rowcolors = array ( '#fff', '#eee', ); $rowcolors_count = count($rowcolors); $current_color = 0; ?>

List view options:


re_id;?> re_description;?> re_active;?> re_search : htmlspecialchars($re_place->re_search); ?> re_place : htmlspecialchars($re_place->re_place); ?> re_order;?> restriction]; ?> restr_otherwise : htmlspecialchars($re_place->restr_otherwise); ?>

You have not defined any entries yet. Add a new entry to begin using re.place.

getRePlace($re_id); ?>

ID re_id;?>
Any text that helps you identify this entry
Search for
What is re.place should search for.
Replace with
What re.place should place instead.
Restriction Replace only if...
Otherwise replace with:
Order of this entry
Active re_active == "Y" ? "checked" : "");?> />
$value) { $re_place[$key] = stripslashes($value); } //} $rePlaceManager= new RePlace(); $replaces = $rePlaceManager->updateRePlace($re_place); echo '

re.place updated

'; } /** * Show the new entry page */ function showNewRePlace() { global $options_url; global $restrictions; ?>

Any text that helps you identify this re.place
Search for
What is re.place should search for.
Replace with
What re.place should place instead.
Restriction Replace only if...
Otherwise replace with:
Order of this entry
$value) { $re_place[$key] = stripslashes($value); } //} $rePlaceManager = new RePlace(); $replaces = $rePlaceManager->addRePlace($re_place); echo '

re.place added

'; } /** * Delete an entry */ function deleteRePlace() { global $options_url; $re_id = $_REQUEST["id"]; if($re_id > 0) { $rePlaceManager = new RePlace(); $replaces = $rePlaceManager->deleteRePlace($re_id); echo '

re.place deleted

'; } } /** * Check if re.place is installed */ function checkInstall() { global $wpdb; global $table_prefix; $version = get_option('re_place_version'); if($version == "") { $sql = <<query($sql); add_option( 're_place_version', '0.2.0', 're.place version number', 'yes' ); add_option( 're_place_listview', 'asis', 're.place list view option', 'yes' ); } else { switch ( $version ) { case '0.1.1': case '0.1.2': addRestrColumns(); updateVersion(); add_option( 're_place_listview', 'asis', 're.place list view option', 'yes' ); break; case '0.1.3': case '0.1.4': case '0.1.5': updateVersion(); add_option( 're_place_listview', 'asis', 're.place list view option', 'yes' ); } } } function addRestrColumns() { global $wpdb; global $table_prefix; $sql = <<query($sql); } function updateVersion() { update_option( 're_place_version', '0.2.0' ); } ?>