Flag Options


Mirror output. This option normally causes negative coordinates, therefore it should be used only if "pos. Coord." is selected, too.


Rotate drawing by 90 degrees. This option normally causes negative coordinates, therefore it should be used only if "pos. Coord." is selected, too.

Upside down

Rotate the drawing by 180 degrees. Together with Rotate, the drawing is rotated by a total of 270 degrees. This option normally causes negative coordinates, therefore it should be used only if "pos. Coord." is selected, too.

pos. Coord

Offsets the output so that negative coordinates are eliminated and the drawing is referenced to the origin of the output device. This is advisable for devices which generate error messages if negative coordinates are detected.


Draft output which shows only the outlines of objects (subject to availability on the selected output device).


Activates the optimization of the drawing sequence for plotters.

Fill pads

Pads will be filled. This function can be properly executed only with generic devices, like PostScript.
If this option is not selected, the drill holes of pads will be visible on the output.

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