User Interface

The User interface dialog allows you to customize the appearance of the layout, schematic and library editor windows.


Pulldown menu activates the pulldown menu at the top of the editor window
Action toolbar activates the action toolbar containing buttons for "File", "Print" etc.
Parameter toolbar activates the dynamic parameter toolbar, which contains all the parameters that are available for the currently active command
Command buttons activates the command buttons
Command texts activates the textual command menu


Background selects a black, white or colored background for the layout mode
Cursor selects a small or large cursor for the layout mode


Background selects a black, white or colored background for the schematic mode
Cursor selects a small or large cursor for the schematic mode


Bubble help activates the "Bubble Help" function, which pops up a short hint about the meaning of several buttons when moving the cursor over them
User guidance activates the "User Guidance" function, which displays a helping text telling the user what would be the next meaningful action when a command is active


Always vector font always displays texts in drawings with the builtin vector font, regardless of which font is actually set for a particular text
Mouse wheel zoom defines the zoom factor that will be used to zoom in and out of an editor window when the mouse wheel is turned ('0' disables this feature, the sign of this value defines the direction of the zoom operation)

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