Customizes the textual command menu.

MENU option ..;


The MENU command can be used to create a user specific command menu.

The complete syntax specification for the option parameters is

option    := command | menu | delimiter
command   := text [ ':' text ]
menu      := text '{' option [ '|' option ] '}'
delimiter := '---'
A menu option can either be a simple command, as in
MENU Display Grid;
which would set the menu to the commands Display and Grid; an aliased command, as in
MENU 'MyDisp : Display None Top Bottom Pads Vias;' 'MyGrid : Grid mil 100 lines on;';
which would set the menu to show the command aliases MyDisp and MyGrid and actually execute the command sequence behind the ':' of each option when the respective button is clicked; or a submenu button as in
MENU 'Grid { Fine : Grid inch 0.001; | Coarse : Grid inch 0.1; }';
which would define a button labelled Grid that, when clicked opens a submenu with the two options Fine and Coarse.

The special option '---' can be used to insert a delimiter, which may be useful for grouping buttons.

Note that any option that consists of more than a single word, or that might be interpreted as a command, must be enclosed in single quotes. If you want to use the MENU command in a script to define a complex menu, and would like to spread the menu definitions over several lines to make them more readable, you need to end the lines with a backslash character ('\') as in

MENU 'Grid {\
             Fine : Grid inch 0.001; |\
             Coarse : Grid inch 0.1;\


MENU Move Delete Rotate Route ';' Edit;
would create a command menu that contains the commands Move...Route, the semicolon, and the Edit command.

The command

switches back to the default menu.

Note that the ';' entry should always be added to the menu. It is used to terminate many commands.

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